Day of action against racism on 30 April 2024
To mark the annual International Weeks against Racism, the Central Equal Opportunities Officer, Dr Annika Hegemann, together with the Diversity Officer, Laura Maring, the Vice Dean for Sustainability, Equality and Diversity of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Dr. Larissa Eikermann, as well as the Managing Director of the Centre for Gender Studies, Dr. Claudia Mahs, and the student organisations of the International Students' Union (ASV) and the General Students' Committee (AStA), invited all interested parties to a day of action against racism at Paderborn University.
Together with the Coordinator for Refugees at Paderborn University, Volker Verhoff, and other cooperation partners, they would like to set an example against racism. To this end, various participatory formats and information offers in the form of activity stands will be offered in the foyer from 11 am to 2 pm, which will deal with topics such as racism and racism-critical attitudes and are intended to provide initial insights and new perspectives on the complex of topics.
The day of action at a glance
Contact person on site: Laura Maring (Diversity Officer)
Description: This stand will focus on various interactive formats such as an implicit bias test, a conversation card game on the topic of racism criticism and a number of short films on the topic of everyday racism. Together, we would like to enter into dialogue with you on the topic and provide expert support to all interested parties in dealing with racism/racist statements through educational flyers, posters and handouts.
Contact person on site: Dr Larissa Eikermann (Vice Dean for Sustainability, Gender Equality and Diversity of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities) in cooperation with the ADA - Service Centre for Anti-Discrimination Work at Caritasverband e.V.
Description: With an exhibition, we want to put the spotlight on everyday racism. The focus here will be on the experiences of people who have been affected by racism, translated into art.
Contact person on site: Dr Claudia Mahs (Managing Director of the Centre for Gender Studies)
Description: At this stand there will be an elaborate book table on the subject of racism and anti-racism. The content of the books is aimed at children and young people as well as adults and people who would like to take a closer look at the topic in the context of educational institutions. All interested parties are cordially invited to browse through the books and engage in dialogue about the content.
Contact persons on site: Lakshay Khanna (ASV), Tatjana Lüke (AStA)
Description: At this stand, members of ASV - POCs coming from the diverse backgrounds - will shed light, through an open dialogue, on the topic of “Subtle Racism”, its impact on the lives of the victims, and how the unintended actions, and inactions of enable it. We will also talk about how small changes in our perception of things, and little accommodation can go a long way in building a blooming society.
The AStA will provide a wide range of information on various anti-racism topics on the day of action. You can expect brochures, flyers, books and posters, among other things. You will also have the opportunity to play interactive games and exchange ideas with us and other students.
Contact person on site: Volker Verhoff (Coordinator for refugees at Paderborn University), Donald Ulrich Fonkou Dassi and Vitalii Krasnorutskyi
Description: The International Office will be represented by the Coordination Office for Refugee Students on the 30th of May 2024. Volker Verhoff, Donald Ulrich Fonkou Dassi and Vitalii Krasnorutskyi will present the various support options for refugees at Paderborn University. If you would like to find out more online in advance, you can find an initial overview here.
- General Students' Committee (AStA)
- International Student Union (ASV)
- Managing Director of the Centre for Gender Studies, Dr. Claudia Mahs
- Vice Dean for Sustainability, Equality and Diversity of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Dr Larissa Eikermann
- Diversity Officer, Laura Maring
- Central Equal Opportunities Officer, Dr Annika Hegemann
Digital Lecture on the topic "University structures and criticism of racism" on the 25th of June 2024

As part of the day of action, Prof Dr Katajun Aminpur, the University of Cologne's Representative for Criticism of Racism, will give a lecture on the topic of "University Structures and Criticism of Racism". This will take place on the 25th of June 2024 from 04.00 to 05.30 pm in digital form in cooperation with Matthias Philipper's class (Sociology/Institute of Human Sciences of the Faculty of Cultural Studies at Paderborn University). The lecture is aimed at anyone interested in taking a closer look at the criticism of racism in a university context.
‘The lecture will deal with questions such as: What is behind the idea of an assignment for racism criticism? What structural problems exist and how are they addressed? It will show how students feel racially discriminated against and what different forms of racism and micro-aggressions exist. The question of whether anti-Semitism is a special form of racism or can be subsumed under racism in general will also be addressed. We will also discuss why we actually talk about anti-Muslim racism. After all, Muslims are not a race - apart from the fact that there are no races at all.’ (Event description by Prof Dr Katajun Aminpur)
Participation in the lecture is free of charge.
Event link:
Meeting-ID: 660 9962 4096
Kenncode: 343805
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