25 Novem­ber is Or­ange Day - In­ter­na­tion­al Day against Vi­ol­ence against Wo­men

This year, the State Conference of Equal Opportunities Officers of the universities and university hospitals of North Rhine-Westphalia (LaKof NRW) has decided to take joint action and set an example against violence against women.

In a joint campaign with the NRW student unions, special bread bags with the imprint "Gewalt kommt mir nicht auf den Campus" ("Violence does not come on campus") and an illustration of the "Silent Call for Help" as well as emergency numbers will be used in cafeterias and canteens at universities and colleges in NRW for the sale of baked goods in the days around 25 November. Paderborn University and the Paderborn Student Union are taking part in this campaign.

The bag and the motto tie in with the campaign "Gewalt kommt mir nicht in die Tüte" (Violence doesn't come in my bag), which many local equal opportunities offices are organising nationwide with cooperating bakeries to draw attention to the issue of violence against women.

Lec­ture series

There is also a lecture series that runs digitally via Lakof - all interested university members can register for this:

Digital lecture series

Our digital lecture series will take place from 25.11.-6.12.24. The lectures are free of charge for participants and have been funded by the Equal Opportunities Offices of FernUni Hagen, Hochschule Südwestfalen and Heinrich Heine University. In addition, an AwA* awareness team will accompany the events.

25.11.24 16:00-17:30

Dr. Heike Pantelmann: Sexualised harassment, discrimination and violence at universities - perspectives and challenges.



26.11.24 12:00-13:30

Kristina Stra?burger: Solidarity instead of blame - Why victim blaming is widespread and how we should act instead?



28.11.24 12:30-14:00

Dr Julia Habermann: Femicide as a social phenomenon: prevalence, patterns and legal responses.



06.12.24 13:00-14:30

Dr Nicole Najemnik: Digital violence against women and girls.


Si­lent cry for help

The hand signal was introduced by the "Canadian Women's Foundation" as a silent call for help in video calls. It enables people threatened by violence to silently call for help.

Sexu­al­ised dis­crim­in­a­tion and vi­ol­ence

A trusting, respectful and tolerant working and study atmosphere for all members of the University are important values and goals to which Paderborn University is committed. This claim excludes discrimination, bullying, stalking, sexual harassment and violence.

Paderborn University does not tolerate any form of sexualised discrimination and violence and takes measures to ensure a non-discriminatory and non-violent study and work atmosphere. This year, the policy for "Respectful Coexistence and Protection against Disadvantage, Discrimination, Sexualised Violence and Bullying" was therefore adopted at Paderborn University.

Against the background of the recommendation of the German Rectors' Conference against sexualised discrimination and sexual harassment at universities, a holistic protection concept against sexualised violence is currently being designed and implemented at Paderborn University.

As one measure of this concept, Paderborn University, in cooperation with the women's advice centre Lilith e. V., has institutionalised a counselling service for female students and employees in the event of sexualised discrimination and violence. As a low-threshold service, this counselling complements the complaints office in accordance with Section 13 of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) at Paderborn University.

Coun­selling/con­tact points

Ad­vice on sexu­al­ised dis­crim­in­a­tion and vi­ol­ence

In cooperation with the women's advice centre Lilith e. V., professional consultation hours are offered for advice on sexualised discrimination and violence.

Blossoming cherry tree in front of Paderborn University.

Com­plaints pro­ced­ure at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

A two-stage counselling and complaints procedure has been introduced at Paderborn University. Possible steps are confidential counselling (non-formal procedure) by one of the contact points at Paderborn University and a formal complaint (formal procedure) to the complaints office of the UPB in accordance with §13 AGG.

Con­tact points at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity and in the re­gion

Various contact points at Paderborn University and in the region offer support in cases of sexualised discrimination and violence.

Safety on cam­pus

Women can take advantage of special services during the night and at weekends:

An­onym­ous forensics

Have your tracks se­cured!

Learn more

In­form­a­tion and pub­lic­a­tions