Jenny Aloni Centre for Early Career Researchers

Welcome to the Jenny Aloni Centre for Early Career Researchers!

The Jenny Aloni Centre for Early Career Researchers is a network of all the support services for early career researchers at Paderborn University.

Our offer target three academic career phases: the doctoral phase, the early postdoc phase, and the qualification phase for a professorship. On this website you will find information on the three career phases as well as qualification and advisory services for each phase.

Aca­dem­ic Ca­reer Phases

Qual­i­fic­a­tion Phase Doc­tor­ate

If you are interested in doing a doctorate at Paderborn University, you can find detailed information here. From start to finish, we support you with the various challenges you may encounter during your doctorate.

Ori­ent­a­tion Phase Postdoc

Postdocs in the orientation phase one to two years after their doctorate will find information and advice on how to build their portfolio and expand qualifications here.

Pro­file Phase for a Pro­fess­or­ship

Advanced postdocs and junior professors at Paderborn University will find information and advice on preparing for a professorship here.

Jenny Aloni Centre Course Pro­gramme

Doctoral candidates, postdocs, junior research group leaders, and junior/tenure track professors at Paderborn University can expand their interdisciplinary skills as part of free qualification and certificate programmes.

Faculty Graduate Centres

Paderborn University has established Graduate Centers in all five faculties. They offer subject-specific advice and support to doctoral candidates, postdocs, and junior/tenure track professors in their faculty.

Graduate Centre at the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics

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Graduate Centre at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

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Graduate Centre at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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Graduate Centre at the Faculty of Science

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Graduate Centre at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

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The newsletter of the Jenny Aloni Centre for Early Career Researchers is aimed at PhDs and Postdocs at Paderborn University and provides regular information about offers in the field of graduate support, workshop, qualification and networking opportunities, as well as current calls for proposals and funding opportunities.


Since there is no email distribution list for all doctoral candidates and postdocs at UPB, the newsletter is the only way to keep you regularly informed about our offers. Subscribe so that you don't miss out!


Support Services

Numerous institutions at Paderborn University offer counselling and support services for doctoral candidates, postdocs, and junior/tenure track professors. You will find an overview of all these organisations below.


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Dr. Alexandra Wiebke

Jenny Aloni Centre for Early Career Researchers

Manager Jenny Aloni Centre for Early Career Researchers

Write email +49 5251 60-3353
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Dr. Henriette-Juliane Seeliger

Jenny Aloni Centre for Early Career Researchers

Academic Advisor for Early Career Researchers

Write email +49 5251 60-2109