With "OER" to more edu­ca­tion­al equity: Suc­cess­ful kick-off of the "PrimO­ER" com­munity for in­clus­ive primary school edu­ca­tion

 |  DigitalizationPrimOER – Professionalisierung und Erweiterung der OER-Community Grundschulp?dagogik im Kontext von Inklusion und Chancengerechtigkeit in der Primarstufenlehrkr?ftebildungCentre for Information and Media Technology Services (ZIM)Faculty of Arts and HumanitiesGrundschulp?dagogik

The sharing of open educational resources (OER) is playing an increasingly important role in the course of the digital transformation. The "PrimOER" joint project of Paderborn University and Bielefeld University is therefore establishing a nationwide "OER community" focussing on "inclusive primary school education and didactics". The network was launched in November with a digital kick-off event attended by 60 teachers from 35 universities. PrimOER is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the "OE_COM" funding line with around 580,000 euros.

The aim of the PrimOER community is to network teachers and establish a culture of sharing in the field of inclusive primary school education. The project places particular emphasis on the topics of inclusion and equal opportunities in teacher training. In addition to getting to know each other and identifying common interests, the kick-off event provided initial insights into the planned structures and working methods of the community. A central element of the collaboration will be the "PrimOER portal", a digital platform that enables both the exchange of teaching materials and the networking of participants. This will be designed by Prof. Dr. Gudrun Oevel and her team from the Paderborn Centre for Information and Media Technology Services (ZIM).

Kick-off with a lively exchange of ideas

Prim-OER project leaders Prof. Dr. Gudrun Oevel and Prof. Dr. Petra Büker from Paderborn University and Prof. Dr. Anna-Marie Kamin from Bielefeld University opened the kick-off event, for which coordinator Dr. Jana Herding from Paderborn University had put together an interactive programme. Paderborn's Vice President for Teaching, Studies and Quality Management, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Sch?ppner, emphasised the innovation potential of the planned cooperation between teaching staff in innovative Open Educational Pratices (OEP). According to Sch?ppner, this is not only effective, but also very solidary.

Katja Stamm from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and Daniela Bickler from the DLR Project Management Agency categorised PrimOER in the OE_COM funding line, which serves to create new opportunities in Germany through digital networking. In their keynote speech, Petra Büker and Anna-Maria Kamin highlighted the potential of OER and OEP for equal opportunities and inclusive education.

The findings from the collaboration, which will be gained through an accompanying evaluation, are intended to promote a new teaching and learning culture characterised by openness, cooperation and inclusion in the long term. The official start of the collaboration in thematic focus groups also took place on 6 December. In the spirit of an agile network structure, interested parties can join the community at any time and thus contribute to the further development of inclusive educational resources and practices for greater equality of opportunity.

Further information on the PrimOER community and the PrimOER portal can be found on the research project's website.

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