- E-Mail:
- maria.robaszkiewicz@uni-paderborn.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-2314
- Office Address:
Pohlweg 55
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- N2.119
- Office hours:
Please make an appointment via e-mail!
Selected Publications
Hannah Arendt and Politics
M.A. Robaszkiewicz, M.D. Weinman, Hannah Arendt and Politics, Edinburgh University Press, 2023.
Die Erde und die Welt. Wie wir Hannah Arendt in Anthropoz?n lesen k?nnen
M.A. Robaszkiewicz, in: F. Martinsen (Ed.), Anfangen! Politik im Anthropoz?n. Beitr?ge der 24. Hannah Arendt Tage 2021, Velbr¨¹ck Wissenschaft, Weilerswist, 2022, pp. 27 ¨C 43.
Hannah Arendt: Challenges of Plurality
M.A. Robaszkiewicz, T. Matzner, eds., Hannah Arendt: Challenges of Plurality, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2021.
Wer erscheint in der ?ffentlichkeit? Ein Mikropolitischer Ansatz im Kontext der Migrationsdebatte
M.A. Robaszkiewicz, in: L. Kaelin, A. Telser, I. Hoppe (Eds.), Bubbles & Bodies. Neue ?ffentlichkeit zwischen sozialen Medien und Stra?enprotesten, Transcript, Bielefeld, 2021, pp. 169¨C189.
Show all publications
Current Courses
- Prefiguration, Demonstration, Protest: Democracy Theory and Practices of Resistance
- Ethik, Bildung und akademische Schreibpraktiken
Further Information
Research focus
- Political Philosophy
- Political Phenomenology
- Social Philosophy
- Migration and Ethics of Migration
- Hannah Arendt
- Feminist Philosophy
- History of Women Philosophers
- Philosophizing with Children
Current research project: Towards a Phenomenology of Migration: On Versatility and Commonality of the Migration Experience
2021 ¨C 2022
- International conference People on Streets. Critical Phenomenologies of Embodied Resistance, 12. - 14.05.2022. This conference was funded with 12.000 € by the DFG. It was organized by an international team: Dr. Marieke Borren, Open University (NL); Dr. Sara Cohen Shabot, University of Haifa (IL) and Katja ?i?igoj, Paderborn University (DE). The keynote speakers were Prof. Dr. Alia Al-Saji (McGill University), Prof. Dr. Quill R. Kukla (Georgetown University), and Dr. Gail Weiss (George Washington University).
- 360Ö±²¥°É Die Welt teilen. Mit Hannah Arendt ¨¹ber Migration in finsteren Zeiten nachdenken, 7.05.2019, Paderborn University. The contributors were PD Dr. Stefania Meffeis (FU Berlin), Birte de Gruisbourne, Dr. Florian Grosser (California College of the Arts) and Dr. Maria Robaszkiewicz. The workshop was part of the seminar "Migration and Social Justice".
- International conference Hannah Arendt: Challenges of Plurality, 13. - 15.12.2018. This conference was funded with 10.500 € by the DFG. It was organized with Prof. Tobias Matzner (Media Studies, Paderborn University) and Prof. Jochen Schmidt (Protestant Theology, Paderborn University) and highlighted the current issues around the concept of plurality. The keynote speaker was Prof. Linda Zerilli. A project seminar accompanied this conference.
2015 ¨C 2016
Coordination of a student conference: Wir Fl¨¹chtlinge. ?ber Menschenrechte, Verantwortung und Urteilen, 10.02.2016. The conference was organized by the participants of the seminar "Freedom and Politics: the contemporary debate on Hannah Arendt?s understanding of politics" on the occasion of Arendt¡¯s 110th birthday. Paderborn University supported this conference with 1000 €.
2014 ¨C 2016
- Mentor for the program ?Einblick! Peermentoring f¨¹r Studentinnen¡° , Paderborn University (summer term 2014 and winter term 2015/16).
2014 ¨C 2015
- Coordination of the student project ?Philosophinnen im Gespr?ch¡° in cooperation with the Paderborn City Equality Office.
- Organizing and hosting the visit of a student group from Universidad Pedag¨®gica Nacional, Columbia, at Paderborn University in the context of the DAAD internationalization of study and teaching program, 30.10.2014 [press release].
- "Kinder entdecken Philosophie!", a workshop during the Paderborn University Science Days, 10.07.2013, Paderborn University.
- Poster-presentation "Philosophieren mit Kindern und Jugendlichen" on Paderborn University Teaching Day, 5.02.2013, Paderborn University.
- "Philosophieren mit Kindern", a presentation for Science Day/open house in 2012, 28.10.2013, Paderborn University.
- Organization and management of the didactics workshop "Philosophyzing with Children", Paderborn University, 31.05. - 1.06.2012.
- "Kinder Philosophieren!", a philosophy workshop at the grammar school in Voerde, Lower Rhein, 16.05.2013.
- "Philosophieren mit Kindern: Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Mensch und Tier?", a workshop during the Paderborn University Science Days, 22.06.2011, Paderborn University.
- "Probleme von Staat, Recht und Gesellschaft: Hannah Arendt", a presentation in the didactics-workshop "Women Philosophers in Philosophy Teaching¡± 15.07.2011, Paderborn University.
2008 ¨C 2010:
- Coordination of a workshop series about philosophizing with children at ?Jask¨®?ka¡±, the Foundation for Political Education and Development of Civil Society, till 2012. Mentor of the web forum for former participants.
Winter term 2023/24
- Ethik, Bildung und akademische Praktiken [Ethics, Education and Academic Practices]
- Migration Ethics: Classic and Critical Perspectives (in English)
Summer term 2023
- Ethik, Bildung und akademische Praktiken [Ethics, Education and Academic Practices]
- Ethics of Care and its political implications (in English)
Summer term 2022
- Ethik, Bildung und akademische Praktiken [Ethics, Education and Academic Practices]
- Grundbegriffe der politischen Philosophie: Politik, Demokratie, Widerstand [Basic Concepts of Political Philosophy: Politics, Democracy, Resistance]
Winter term 2021/22
- Ethik, Bildung und akademische Praktiken [Ethics, Education and Academic Practices]
- Philosophies of Embodied Resistance (in English)
Summer term 2021
- Ethik, Bildung und akademische Praktiken [Ethics, Education and Academic Practices]
- Existenzphilosophie f¨¹r Einsteiger*innen [Existential Philosophy for Beginners]
Winter term 2020/21
- Philosophie, Bildung und akademische Praktiken [Philosophy, Education and Academic Practices]
- Hannah Arendt: Philosophy and Politics (in English)
Summer term 2020
- Understanding migration? Philosophical perspectives on transnational migratory practices (in English)
- Philosophie, Bildung und akademische Praktiken [Philosophy, Education and Academic Practices]
Winter term 2019/20
- Feminist Phenomenology from de Beauvoir to Fielding (in English)
- Politische Philosophie des 16. Und 17. Jahrhundert [Political Philosophy of the 16th and 17th Century]
Summer term 2019
- Migration and Social Justice (in English)
- Philosophie, Bildung und Diversity [Philosophy, Education and Diversity]
Winter term 2018/19
- Grundbegriffe der politischen Philosophie: B¨¹rger, Staat, Gesellschaft [Basic Concepts of Political Philosophy: Citizens, State, Society]
- Hannah Arendt: Challenges of Plurality (project seminar, in English)
Summer term 2018
- Migration und soziale Gerechtigkeit [Migration and Social Justice]
Winter term 2017/18
- Freiheit und Politik: Die aktuellen Debatten um Hannah Arendts Begriff des Politischen [Freedom and Politics: Current Debates about Hannah Arendt's Concept of the Political]
Winter term 2015/16
- Freiheit und Politik: Die aktuellen Debatten um Hannah Arendts Begriff des Politischen (project seminar) [Freedom and Politics: Current Debates about Hannah Arendt's Concept of the Political]
- Einf¨¹hrung in das Studium der Philosophie [Introduction to the Studies of Philosophy]
Summer term 2015
- Whose Body? On Gendered Body Experience (in English)
- Philosophieren mit Kindern und Jugendlichen in Theorie und Praxis [Philosophizing with Children and Adolescents in Theory and Practice]
Winter term 2014/15
- Political Freedom, Political Knowledge: Feminist Interpretations of Hannah Arendt (in English)
- Grundbegriffe der politischen Philosophie: Politik, Macht, Freiheit (project seminar) [Basic Concepts of Political Philosophy: Politics, Power, Freedom]
- Philosophieren mit Kindern und Jugendlichen in Theorie und Praxis [Philosophizing with Children and Adolescents in Theory and Practice]
Summer term 2013
- Between Philosophy and Politics: Hannah Arendt's Exercises in Political Thinking (in English)
- Philosophieren mit Kindern und Jugendlichen [Philosophizing with Children and Adolescents]
Winter term 2012/13
- Women in Contemporary Political Philosophy (in English)
- Philosophieren mit Kindern und Jugendlichen (two groups) [Philosophizing with Children and Adolescents]
Summer term 2012
- Urspr¨¹nge der politischen Philosophie: Platon und Aristoteles [Origins of Political Philosophy: Plato and Aristotle]
- Philosophieren mit Kindern und Jugendlichen [Philosophizing with Children and Adolescents]
- Sanguinary Signifiers: On Origins and Mechanisms of Violence (with Markus Wierschem; seminar in cooperation with the department of English studies), (in English)
Winter term 2011/12
- Hannah Arendt on Education (in English)
- Philosophieren mit Kindern und Jugendlichen in Theorie und Praxis [Philosophizing with Children and Adolescents in Theory and Practice]
Summer term 2011
- Hannah Arendt "?ber das B?se" [Hannah Arendt "Some Questions of Moral Philosophy""Some Questions of Moral Philosophy"]
- Hannah Arendt und das Politische (block seminar) [Hannah Arendt and the Political]
- Peter Singer "Practical Ethics" (in English)
- Geschichten zum Nachdenken: Philosophieren mit Kindern und Jugendlichen anhand von Text¨¹bungen [Stories to Think: Philosophizing with Children and Adolescents by using Text Exercises]
Winter term 2010/11
- Der Mensch als politisches Wesen. Einf¨¹hrung in die politische Philosophie [Humans as Political Beings. Introduction to Political Philosophy]
- Hannah Arendt: Zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft [Hannah Arendt: Between Past and Future]
- Philosophieren mit Kindern und Jugendlichen in Theorie und Praxis [Philosophizing with Children and Adolescents in Theory and Practice]
Scholarships and Third-Party Funds
- DAAD Research Fellowship for Young Scientists with a Doctorate (Postdoc Program).
- DFG: Funding for the international conference People on Streets. Critical Phenomenologies of Embodied Resistance, Paderborn University, 12. ¨C 14.05.2022.
- DAAD Research Fellowship for Young Scholars with a Ph.D. (Postdoctoral Program), canceled due to Covid 19.
- DFG: Funding for the international conference Hannah Arendt: Challenges of Plurality, University of Paderborn, 13. ¨C 15.12.2018.
- Student conference "Wir Fl¨¹chtlinge" [Us, Refugees] as part of a project seminar, 10.02.2016, University of Paderborn.
- DAAD award for outstanding achievements of foreign students at the University of Bonn.
- DAAD University Summer Course Scholarship: International Summer School "Sprache, Kultur, Philosophie und Gesellschaft in Deutschland" [Language, Culture, Philosophy and Society in Germany], University of Freiburg.
- University of Lodz, Medal for the Glorious Study.
2005- 2006
- Study Scholarship of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Poland.