Film ab in der KiTa – Frühkindliche Erziehung und Bildung als interdisziplin?rer Lehr- und Lerngegenstand


The video portal of the AG Grundschulp?dagogik und Frühe Bildung, led by Prof. Petra Büker at Paderborn University, offers more than 30 recorded teaching scenarios, including 360° videos, designed to introduce students to the professional observation of teaching. As part of the project ?Film ab in der Kita - Frühkindliche Erziehung und Bildung als interdisziplin?rer Lehr- und Lengegenstand“, the portal will now be expanded in cooperation with the AG Sozialp?dagogik, led by Prof. Dr. Nina G?ddertz. The project will involve creating video recordings (in both 2D and 360?) to capture everyday educational activities in daycare centres. These recordings will be used to develop digital teaching and learning materials, which will be made available to students and lecturers at Paderborn University, providing authentic insights into early childhood educational practice. The project will be formatively evaluated using a mixed methods design.

Key Facts

Research profile area:
Transformation and Education
Project type:
Research, Teaching project
Project duration:
08/2024 - 07/2026
Contribution to sustainability:
Quality Education

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Petra Büker

Grundschulp?dagogik und Frühe Bildung

About the person
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Prof. Dr. Nina G?ddertz

WG Social Pedagogy

About the person


If you have any questions about this project, contact us!

Dr. Katrin Glawe

Grundschulp?dagogik und Frühe Bildung

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

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Alexandra Reichenbach, M. A.

WG Social Pedagogy

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

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Melanie Wagner

Grundschulp?dagogik und Frühe Bildung

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin - Projekt "Film ab in der Kita", Lehre

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