Family Business Library Rural and Regional Libraries as Local Family Entrepreneurship centres


Family Business Library Rural and Regional Libraries as Local Family Entrepreneurship centres

Das ERASMUS-Projekt Family Business Library ist ein von der Europ?ischen Kommission finanziertes Projekt zur Erwachsenenbildung. Es f?rdert Entrepreneurship education in nichtst?dtischen und l?ndlichen Regionen. Kernidee des Projekts ist es, Menschen in l?ndlichen Regionen über lokale und regionale Bibliotheken anzusprechen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt der Aktivit?ten liegt auf der F?rderung der Gründung von Familienunternehmen und lokalen Unternehmertums. Ein Hauptaspekt des Ansatzes besteht darin, regionale und l?ndliche Bibliotheken als Plattform zu nutzen, um die lokale Bev?lkerung zu erreichen.


The ERASMUS project Family Business Library is an adult education project funded by the European Commission. It promotes entrepreneurship education in non-urban and rural regions. The core idea of the project is to reach out to people in rural regions through local and regional libraries. A special focus of the activities is on promoting the creation of family businesses and local entrepreneurship. A key aspect of the approach is to use regional and rural libraries as a platform to reach out to the local population.

The six project partners are from Latvia, Germany, Croatia, Italy and Greece. The coordinator is ART-Smart from Latvia. The German scientific partner is the University of Paderborn, Chair of Business Education II. The other partners are NGOs in the field of education and training or libraries and municipalities active and interested in the field of entrepreneurship education.

Contents/ Results:

  •    Development and implementation of innovative practices to teach entrepreneurship in regional and rural areas.
  •    Increasing the initiative and entrepreneurial spirit of people in regional and rural areas.
  •    Development of a system in which libraries serve as centres for the development of rural entrepreneurship.

Key Facts

Research profile area:
Transformation and Education
Project duration:
10/2020 - 05/2022
Contribution to sustainability:
Quality Education
Funded by:

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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

Wirtschaftsp?dagogik und Evaluationsforschung

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