TRR 142 - Tailored ultrafast acoustics for light emission modulation (A06)


The interaction of coherent acoustic phonons and excitons in low-dimensional semiconductor structures is in the focus of this project proposal. In the experiments, picosecond strain pulses are sent through the nanostructure. The response on the ultrafast acoustic impact is monitored through the light emission and tailored by nanoscale adjustment of the optical and elastic properties. In the next funding period, we aim at challenging goals, namely to achieve quantum efficiency in counting acoustic phonons using exciton polaritons in a multi-quantum-well structure, to obtain spatially distributed switching of a bi-stable polariton condensate in a microcavity, and to detect modulation of the exciton resonances in transition metal dichalcogenides heterostructures.

Key Facts

Research profile area:
Optoelectronics and Photonics
Project type:
Project duration:
04/2014 - 12/2025
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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Donat Josef As

Optoelectronic Semiconductors - Group III-Nitrides

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Prof. Dr. Dirk Reuter

Optoelectronic materials and devices

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Dr. Alexey Scherbakov

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Manfred Bayer

Technische Universit?t Dortmund

Cooperating Institutions

TU Dortmund

Cooperating Institution


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