Diplomatic Strategies of the Regent Christine Charlotte of East Frisia (1665–1690)


The dissertation project examines the custodial regency of Princess Christine Charlotte in East Frisia from 1665 to 1690, which was marked by domestic conflicts interwoven with external conflicts and interests. While the regent saw herself as sovereign and considered the form of government as princely, the estates saw themselves as free and considered East Frisia as ruled by the estates. The influence of external powers was a decisive factor in the resulting conflicts. Without external support, neither Christine Charlotte nor the estates were able to assert themselves domestically. Diplomacy was therefore a central means of furthering the regent's ambitions. At some stages, diplomacy even ensured her political survival.

The dissertation project analyses the diplomatic strategies that were used towards different actors. It is based on the New Diplomatic History's understanding of diplomacy. This means that not only the official activities of official envoys are considered, but also other actors as well as informal and unofficial practices. Central questions are: How did Christine Charlotte try to persuade foreign powers to support her, and to what extent was she successful? What patterns of argumentation were developed? And were there any specific features that the office of a female custodial regent entailed?

Key Facts

diplomatic history, gender history, political history
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Project duration:
07/2018 - 12/2024

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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Johannes Sü?mann

Historisches Institut

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Rieke Becker

Frühe Neuzeit

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Selected Publications

Hilfst du mir, so hilfst du dir. Diplomatische ?berzeugungsstrategien der Regentin Christine Charlotte von Ostfriesland gegenüber Kaiser Leopold I. im 17. Jahrhundert
R. Becker, ?sterreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften. Themenband ?New Diplomatic History“ 35 (2024) 28–48.
?Der L?we kümmert sich nicht um das Gebell des Hündchens.“ Eine unh?fliche Flugschrift im Konflikt um die Regentschaft Ostfrieslands (1666/67)
R. Becker, in: R. Becker, M. Lauert (Eds.), Politiken der Unh?flichkeit. Gelehrtenstreit vom 17. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Geschenkschrift für Johannes Sü?mann, Paderborn, 2024, pp. 84–108.
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