Digital Leadership & Communication and Cooperation Development
The project “LeadCom – Digital Leadership & Communication and Cooperation Development” is part of the BMBF/NextGenerationEU-funded competence center “School Development” in the competence network “lernen:digital”. In collaboration with eleven universities, numerous schools and transfer partners, the LeadCom project is developing and implementing further training and advisory services to pefessionalize school principals and teachers involved in media related school development. The focus lies on shaping digital communication and cooperation practices and the associated chance in digital leadership at schools.
The LeadCom sub-project at Paderborn University focuses on the social change in communication cultures associated with digitalization processes at school management level, in teaching staff colleges and between school and parents. In doing so, the relevant state of research is compiled, existing materials are reviewed and a qualitative-reconstructive study is conducted in which the perspectives of school management, teachers and parents on the change in digital communication cultures are examined. Building blocks for two further education modules are produced and disseminated in close cooperation with various practice partners. The aim is to create a critical but constructive awareness among school principals and teachers involved in digital school development of the great potential of digital media in communication processes, but also of the unintended side effects that can occur. The sub-project Paderborn focuses on these aspects as indispensable knowledge in the context of digital leadership for being able to promote media related school development in a funded manner. The results of the overall network will be made digitally available nationwide in Germany as Open Educational Resources (OER).
Key Facts
- Project duration:
- 08/2023 - 03/2026
- Funded by:
- Websites:
Kompetenzverbund lernen:digital
More Information
If you have any questions about this project, contact us!
Prof. Dr. Dorothee M. Meister
Medienp?dagogik und empirische Medienforschung