Tutorial programme

Tutors have been involved in university teaching for decades. Tutorials not only provide students with subject-specific qualifications, but also offer a valuable opportunity to interact with other students (often from higher semesters) at eye level. For first-year students in particular, tutorials are an ideal place to familiarise themselves with the subject and the working methods at the university and, if necessary, to make new contacts. However, tutorials also support more experienced students to cope with the damands of their studies and often allow a more intensive exchange than teaching formats with larger numbers of participants. Tutorials are also a valuable element of teaching at the Paderborn University. The didactic qualification of tutors is a particular concern of the university, as this leads to an improvement in the quality of the tutorials and thus of the teaching as a whole. At the same time, the trained tutors acquire not only a deeper understanding of the subject, but alsovaluable key competences for their own studies and professional life.

?[T]rotz des begrenzten Handlungsrahmens [konnte ich] in meiner Art von Tutorium die eine oder andere strukturelle Methodik übernehmen.”

Tutor*in aus der Fakult?t EIM,

?Eine wie ich finde sehr nützliche Veranstaltung [und] das Gespr?ch mit den anderen erzeugte L?sungsvorschl?ge, die mir selbst bis dahin nicht eingefallen waren.”

Tutor*in aus dem Bereich EIM,

?Die ?bung zur Tutorienplanung war [...] durchgehend hilfreich. Zum einen konnten wir hier lernen, wie solch eine Planung wirklich aussehen soll und zum anderen konnte ich mir auch noch mal der Phasen sowie der Strukturierung eines Tutoriums bewusst machen.”

Tutor*in aus der Fakult?t EIM,

?Vor allem die begleitende Reflexion der Projekte sowie der Austausch mit Studierenden anderer Fachrichtungen haben dazu beigetragen, dass ich mich fachlich und pers?nlich gleicherma?en weiterentwickelt habe.”

Tutor*in aus der Fakult?t KW,

?[Ich] habe die Zusammenarbeit mit den Studierenden anderer F?cher als sehr positiv erlebt. So konnte ich von den unterschiedlich gelegenen Kompetenzen profitieren und gleichzeitig hilfreich für andere sein.”

Tutor*in aus der Fakult?t KW,

?Ich wollte mich auch noch einmal bei dir bedanken, dass es so etwas wie diese Schulung gibt. 360直播吧 hat mir wirklich sehr weitergeholfen, da ich mir gut vorstellen k?nnte, weitere Tutorien zu geben oder sogar beruflich in Richtung Lehre zu gehen.”

Tutor*in im Durchgang 2021/22,

The current round of tutor qualification starts on 11th October 2024.

Every semester, we offer a free tutor qualification programme that is open to tutors from all faculties. The programme has a duration of 30 AE and is offered in a blended learning format (videoconferences/presence meetings and asynchronous elements in a PANDA course).

The tutor training course prepares you for your (future) role in tutorial teaching and also addresses any initial uncertainties. It provides didactic know-how for planning and running your tutorials. The core topics of the tutor training course are

  • Roles and attitudes
  • Planning a tutorial
  • Activating methods in the tutorial
  • Dealing with groups
  • Developing of options for dealing with potential conflict situations
  • Feedback and evaluation
  • Presentation and visualisation

We also offer ideas, help and advice on all aspects of online teaching.

The workshops consist of a combination of theoretical teaching, practical exercises and simulations, elements for reflection and sharing of experiences. The programme is designed to be participant- and process-oriented so that the needs and questions of the workshop participants can be addressed in the individual formats. The trained tutors also provide didactic and methodological input back to their own departments.

In addition, the workshops teach key skills that are also recognised in the world of work. Students receive a university-wide "T-Cert" certificate, which they can attach to their application documents.
Participation in the programme can also be recognised as part of the teacher training programme (B.A. & M.A. in the specialisation), as a professional internship (BFP) and as part of the Studium Generale (Please contact your department for more information). The tutor programme is also part of the upb+  certificate. Information about the upb+ pass can be found here.

Modulare E-Learning Schulungen für Studierende (fakult?tsüberfgreifend)

Link zum Programm

Culture Fellows

Studierende unterschiedlicher F?cher kommen in einem Ausbildungsprogramm studentischer Culture Fellows zusammen. 360直播吧 besch?ftigen sich mit fachkulturellen Besonderheiten, Irritationen sowie Herausforderungen in der Studieneingangsphase.

Link zum Programm "Culture Fellows"



Unser Programm richtet sich an Tandems aus Lehrenden und Studierenden aus jeweils demselben Fach. Neben der Schulung der Textograph*innen begleiten wir die Tandems bei der Gestaltung der Schreibaufgaben, des Feedbackkonzepts und der geplanten Umsetzung im Seminar.

Link zum Textograph*innen-Programm

WiWi Coaching

Link zum Programm WiWi Coaching

Hochschuldidaktische Qualifizierung im Bereich "Betreuung von Laborpraktika":

Tutor*innenprogramm für Ingenieur*innen

Link zum Tutor*innenprogramm für Ingenieur*innen


The Higher Education Development Office is also happy to assist with ...

  • Supporting the development of a tutors` training concept
  • Counselling tutors on subject-specific didactic issues
  • Organising individual workshops
  • Accreditation of existing or newly created training programmes for tutors (T-Cert certification)

Train the Trainer-programme

In addition to training tutors, we can also support you to become a trainer yourself and train the tutors in your department. As part of the Train the Trainer programme, you can receive comprehensive training and further education in higher education didactics and methodology for this purpose.


To the pro­gramme

... go this way.

Ulrike Trier

Higher Education Development Office

Room E5.133
Paderborn University
Pohlweg 55
33098 Paderborn