Cent­ral room man­age­ment

The Paderborn University provides approximately 120 lecture halls and seminar rooms for internal users for research and teaching. The aim is to achieve the best possible utilisation of the room capacities. The room allocations are entered in PAUL. If desired, events in decentrally administered rooms can also be entered in PAUL.


  • Please notify room returns immediately using the room return form (here: digital form).
  • Reservation requests should be made early. A reasonable processing time must be allowed for.
  • Messages to the room administration must always contain the following information:
    • Course number
    • Lecturer
    • Number of participants
    • Subject
  • Please also use the off-peak times from 7 to 9 a.m. and from 6 to 8 p.m. as well as the weekends for your events.
  • Check the data in PAUL regularly. Is all the information correct? The final room allocation is not fixed until the start of the lecture period.
  • In the "input phase", enter the data for the following semester completely in PAUL.
  • Please plan your courses in good time. Avoid changes and rework by the Central Room Administration.
  • Changes after the "input phase" must be justified and submitted to the Dean's Office for approval.

Please note:

Room requests are sorted and processed by event date. Room requests for the same event date are processed according to the date of receipt.

Courses and examinations have priority over meetings, conferences, lectures, study groups and other events.

As a rule, rooms are allocated approximately four weeks before the event.


Contact the Central Room Administration(Dec. 2/2.4)

  • Ms Husemann, tel. 2803
  • Ms Pietsch, tel. 2805

E-mail: raumanfrage(at)zv(dot)upb(dot)de
Room return form (DOCX file)

Telephone consultation hours:
Mondays to Fridays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.


Infrastructural and Commercial Facility Management (Dec. 5/5.2)

  • Ms Besel, telephone number 05251 60-2569
  • Mr. St?ppel, telephone number 05251 60-2526

E-mail: Sonderraumnutzung(at)zv(dot)upb.de
Form: Application for use of service rooms

Room returns

Course cata­logue

Students in lecture hall G at Paderborn University.

Learn more about the

Course catalogue