In­tern­ships at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

In addition to vocational training, Paderborn University offers a small number of internships and work experience opportunities.

Work experience for school pupils

A first insight into the real working world can be gained through participation in a work experience placement. These internships are regulated by the Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (SchulG NRW) and can be undertaken without further formalities. The Human Resources Department simply needs to be notified about the internship placement.

Voluntary work experience for school pupils

Voluntary work experience internships can be completed during school holidays, to gain a first insight into the real working world, similar regular work experience placements. To arrange a voluntary work experience placement, the appropriate request form must first be submitted to the Human Resources Department for approval. An internship agreement contract must also be concluded.

Internships as part of retraining/an industrial placement/Mandatory legal internship

These internships are offered in co-operation with various institutes, agencies and vocational training centres. Those participating in such internships are regularly employed/undergoing training with an employer or are currently retraining. To arrange such an internship, the appropriate request form must first be submitted to the Human Resources Department for approval. An internship agreement contract must then be concluded.


Internship applications can be sent by email to the address below.


Please note: The request forms specified above are for internal use only!

If you have any questions, please contact Mr Norbert Bornhorst on 05251 60-2537 or by email at Norbert.Bornhorst(at)zv.uni-paderborn(dot)de.