Par­ti­cip­a­tion in ex­tern­al con­tinu­ing edu­ca­tion

Paderborn University employees can participate in courses and events held by external continuing education providers. Some providers have co-operation agreements with the university, thereby enabling free participation.


Or­gan­isa­tion­al in­form­a­tion

The costs for external training must be borne by the organizational unit in which the employee is employed. However, free participation is possible with some providers (see below).

If you would like to participate in an external training course, please register yourself for the respective course (exceptions see below: H¨¹F, Mont-Cenis).

Continuing education courses are not requested via a business trip permit, but are organized via a confirmation letter. For this letter, please fill out the form below.
Please apply for the confirmation letter as early as possible, at the latest, however, one week before the start of the event, as additional time may be required for the examination of a funding violation if third-party funds are involved.
We will then prepare a confirmation letter for you, a copy of which will be sent directly to the travel cost center.

After the training, you can settle your travel expenses in the same way as for a business trip (please select "Fortbilduhngsreise" in the G/L account on the travel expense form). It is also possible to request an advance payment using the advance payment form.

Free courses for Pader­born Uni­ver­sity em­ploy­ees

At Hochschul¨¹bergreifende Fortbildung NRW (H¨¹F) in Hagen, university employees can take part in a wide range of free continuing education courses. In addition, regular opportunities are available for North Rhine-Westphalia universities to share experiences in various administrative areas.

Subject areas Universities for beginners, human resources, student and academic affairs, finance, property management, development and planning, leadership, IT, data protection, methodological skills, marketing/public relations/alumni, research funding/third-party funding/technology transfer/patents
Registration procedure

Registration with H¨¹F is a 2-step procedure.

1. Pre-registration online with H¨¹F: Choose your desired H¨¹F course and register online using the relevant form. This pre-registers you with H¨¹F.

2. Step 2 is your actual registration, which you complete via Internal Continuing Education. Once you¡¯ve completed your online registration, you¡¯ll automatically be sent a filled-in PDF. Please forward this document to Internal Continuing Education via your superior. We¡¯ll then take care of your final registration with H¨¹F, inform you when you¡¯re admitted to the course and organise your secondment for you.


University employees can also take part in training courses at the training academy of the Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Akademie Mont-Cenis)

Subject areas Administration management, law, communication, press and public relations, diversity management, methodological skills, health and personal development etc.
Registration procedure

Please registrate directly via Mont-Cenis online platform. After your registration, we will confirm your registration with Mont-Cenis. You will be informered when you are admitted to the course. We¡¯ll then organise your secondment for you.

Please note: Register as early as possible, as places are limited and courses often oversubscribed.

Fur­ther ex­tern­al con­tinu­ing edu­ca­tion and train­ing pro­viders

provider Fields Target groups

IHK-Akademie Ostwestfalen GmbH (IHK Academy East Westphalia)

e.g. digitalisation, finance, IT skills, leadership, marketing, law, quality

All employees

PIW Training & Beratung GmbH

e.g. labour law, leadership, classification, staff recruitment and selection, team development

All employees

Studieninstitut Westfalen Lippe (Westphalia-Lippe Institute of Higher Education - StiWL)

General administration, leadership, methods, social skills, IT skills

Mainly administrative staff

Zentrum f¨¹r Wissenschaftsmanagement e.V. (Centre for Science and Research Management - ZWM)

Science and research management, management, communication, human resources, finance, law, research

Academic staff/Science and Research Management

Centre for Higher Education (CHE)

Science and research management, leadership, strategy

Academic staff/Science and Research Management/managers

Zentrum f¨¹r Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaftliche Weiterbildung (Centre for continuing education in libraries and information sciences - ZBIW)

Library-specific training courses

Library staff

Internationale DAAD-Akademie (International German Academic Exchange Service - iDA)

Internationalisation, digitalisation, language courses

All employees


training and qualification relating to handling intellectual property (IP)

All employees

Notification of an external training

Personel Data
Event details
Consent of supervisor

OR (if the travel costs are financed from budget or free third-party funds)

In both cases of divergent AOs, the following is required:

Declaration of consent *