Coach­ing for pro­fess­ors and man­agers

Take advantage of our professional one-on-one coaching programme!

The programme is available to all Paderborn University professors and other management staff in science.

What is the coaching programme?

The coaching programme is a solution-oriented career development advisory service. It is designed to help participants reflect on where they are currently at in their career and to explore options for their individual career development, with professional support. Unlike a traditional advisory service, the coach does not propose solutions, but rather helps participants come up with their own solutions.

When is coaching useful?

Coaching can help you manage your various roles and responsibilities as a professor/ manager.

Possible coaching topics include:

  • Diversity of roles in research, teaching and self-governance
  • Taking on new leadership roles and/or responsibilities
  • Leadership, teamwork and conflict resolution strategies
  • Strategic career planning and networking
  • Optimising the way you present yourself
  • Work organisation and self-management
  • Stress management and work-life balance
P.S. Do you already know our coaching offer "Voice and Presence" for professors?

How does the coaching programme work?

We work in co-operation with a pool of external professional coaches. We put you in contact with a coach. After a free initial session, to get to know each other and clarify the relevant objectives, Paderborn University will cover the costs for a total of six further hours of coaching (additional sessions are possible if required, but must be paid for by the participant).

Professors/ managers interested in coaching can contact the Staff Development team or Equal Opportunities Office (see box). We’ll be more than happy to advise you.


Staff Development (SG 4.5)
Dr. Johanna Braukmann
Tel: 3587
Room: B1.325

Teaching coaching for professors

Take advantage of the new offer of the Higher Education Development Office: The teaching coaching for professors supports you in the development of your individual teaching skills! For more information, please contact Higher Education Development Office (Dr. Nerea V?ing).


Coaching for technical and…