Student Survey 2024 of the Paderborn University
Dear student,
Paderborn University has been conducting regular student surveys in addition to the teaching evaluation since 2010. All enrolled students are surveyed.
[Click HERE for the questionnaire]
The survey is conducted with technical support of the Institute for Applied Statistics (ISTAT).
The focus of the survey is on a general evaluation of your degree programme and study experience: e.g. supervision and support during your course, evaluation of the course content and resources and how you are finding your course so far. All surveys are anonymous. The results will be published in such a way that it will not be possible to identify individuals.
Your participation in this survey will help Paderborn University in its efforts to improve its teaching and learning conditions. In addition to the university’s faculties and course planners, other parties at Paderborn University will also benefit from your answers to specific questions: e.g. AStA (German General Students’ Committee), the Information and Media Technologies Centre (IMT), the Student Advice Centre, University Sports, the International Office and TecUp.
Your (anonymous) reviews will be made fully available to the faculties at degree programme level, where they will be leveraged to enhance existing degree programmes and course content. The results will also be used for the re-accreditation of degree programmes.
Paderborn University would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your participation.

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