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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity awards busi­ness spon­sor­ship prize to over 300 stu­dents

Award for special achievements in the natural sciences

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When ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence enters in­to dia­logue

Even if artificial intelligence (AI) provides astonishingly reliable answers in many cases - those who use it often do not like to blindly trust the recommendations, but would like to understand how an AI came to an assessment.

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From 15 to 17 September, the science festival invites you to participate, marvel and discover

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In September and October, two mentoring programmes for female students interested in doctoral studies will start a new round at Paderborn University.

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The Senate of Paderborn University has adopted a guideline for respectful cooperation and protection against discrimination, sexualised violence and mobbing.

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Start of the third NRW Tech­nic­al School at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity for fe­male high school gradu­ates in­ter­ested in STEM sub­jects

The career and study orientation program "NRW-Technikum" for female high school graduates with an interest in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences or technology (MINT for short) has successfully started its third round with 13 female technology students.

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On 1 September, Simone Probst, Vice President for Operations at Paderborn University, appointed Isabel Odendorf and Greta Roebers as administrative assistant candidates.

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A warm wel­come to Pader­born Uni­ver­sity: 87 ex­change stu­dents wel­comed

On Tuesday, 5 September, staff from the International Office welcomed 87 new exchange students at an official induction event.

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Wis­senschaft­skolleg of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity: Ap­ply by 16 Oc­to­ber

Highly qualified scientists from the postdoc phase onwards (at least two years) from all disciplines at Paderborn University can now apply for admission to the Wissenschaftskolleg of Paderborn University.

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Two editors of the programme "Blickfang" write the words "Blickfang" on a pane of glass.

New "Blick­fang" pro­gramme: Uni­ver­sity ca­reer, Nina Kuhl­mann – DJ new­comer, cli­mate and faith

In the current issue of "Blickfang", the TV programme of the University's teaching editorial team, the editors take a look at the work of academic staff at Paderborn University.

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The participants of the annual conference of the International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) in front of the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum in Paderborn.

50th An­nu­al Con­fer­ence of the In­ter­na­tion­al Col­loqui­um on Auto­mata, Lan­guages and Pro­gram­ming (IC­ALP)

The conference offered more than 350 participants from all over the world a wide variety of workshops, talks and discussion platforms on the latest research results in the field of theoretical computer science.

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Profile of the Paderborn scientist Jutta Weber

Ruhrtri­en­nale: Prof. Dr. Jutta Weber speaks about nature and tech­no­logy

On Sunday, 3 September, Prof. Dr. Jutta Weber from the Institute for Media Studies at Paderborn University will be talking with the writer and Büchner Prize winner Lukas B?rfuss at the Ruhrtriennale about "Nature and Technology".

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The multimedia installation "Life at the Springs" in the Paderborn City Museum.

"Life at the Springs": Stu­dents of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity present film in­stall­a­tion in the City Mu­seum

Participation in the water exhibitions of the five municipal museums

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A smartphone recording a teaching situation.

Ad­van­cing di­git­al school de­vel­op­ment: Pader­born Uni­ver­sity in­volved in na­tion­wide joint pro­ject

The digital transformation is increasingly changing communication and cooperation in schools. It is therefore becoming more and more important for school administrators and teachers to develop the corresponding competences in order to use the possibilities innovatively, but also to identify problems.

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The organisers and sponsors of the "Strengthen Diversity" summer camp.

With know­ledge, cul­ture and sport: sum­mer camp of the "Strength­en­ing Di­versity" pro­ject in­spires chil­dren at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Under the motto "PaderPower: Our superpower - together we are strong", the children from grades three to seven spent a varied week on the university campus at the end of the summer holidays.

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