On­line-Sem­inars for in­ter­na­tion­al stu­dents

We offer free online seminars, in order to provide information for international students who are interested in studying at Paderborn University.

There are two types of online seminars:

  • Live seminars  and
  • Recorded seminars

During the online seminars, our speakers present various information on different topics (find more information in the descriptions below). Feel free to ask your questions in our live seminars via the chat function during the talks, we will answer them after the presentations. Among our recorded seminars, we offer recordings from past live seminars and also special information videos for the support of our services for international students and applicants.

Although some of our online seminars have a regional focus, you are welcome to participate in any seminar.

On­line sem­inars for ac­cep­ted ap­plic­ants

This is a recording of a online meeting for preparing new students for the summer intake 2025 for their arrival. It contains some very important and up to date information, that will help to facilitate your orientation, once you arrived in Paderborn. Questions regarding the visa prozess, the enrollment phase, health insurance issues and more will be mentioned. For watching the video, just click here! (Adobe Connect)



On­line sem­inars for people who are in­ter­ested in study­ing at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

You have an international education background and would like to apply at Paderborn University? You have questions regarding the application procedure? Then you should definetely watch our information video! It takes about 20 minutes and is full with helpfull information regarding the choice of your study course, the respective application procedures and entry requirements for study courses and study preparational German language courses. You can also download the webinar presentation here. For watching the video, you'll just need the Windows Media Player (mostly preinstalled), or any other media player, which can handle MP4 files. 


You are planning to study in Germany or you have just arrived in Paderborn and would like to get more to know about living in Germany?

You should definetely watch the video!

You can watch the online webinar by loging into the Adobe Connect online meeting plattform under the link below.
