Event overview

Here you will find all our regular interactive workshops and a wide range of event formats relating to academic writing for students, doctoral candidates and lecturers.

Online or in presence? We think both are good! Just take a look at the respective page of the program to see which format it takes place in.



Writ­ing events

With an exclusive range of workshops, advice and active breaks, the four-day writing days offer you an ideal writing space to work on your writing project continuously and with motivation.


The cosy little writing event at the end of the year for all those who like to reflect on the highs and lows of the year and think about bridges into the new year.


Are you looking for motivation to move your writing project forward? Then our writing group is just the thing for you. The focus here is on exchanging ideas with other students. You will be supported by writing challenges and a pool of methods. The writing group is aimed at students of all disciplines.


It's easier to write together than alone. And now we know how well it works digitally!


Work­shops for stu­dents

During the semester break, many people face an intensive writing phase - the term paper or even several term papers need to be written. The Short Cuts event series will help you with this. Once a week, you will receive a short 30-minute impulse for writing your academic paper.


2-day workshop for writing the first term papers. The focus will be on scientific rigour as well as getting to know and trying out methods for mastering individual work steps, from narrowing down the topic to dealing with scientific literature and revising.


The various steps involved in writing a thesis are dealt with in the following thematic blocks: writing process, research question and objective, reading and processing literature and text revision. The topics can be chosen individually and according to personal needs.


1-day workshop for planning the final thesis and individual work steps. The focus is on methods for generating and structuring ideas, testing writing and revision techniques and guided feedback from fellow students.


Revising texts can sometimes result in unnecessary revision loops. In this workshop, you will learn various strategies for effectively revising your texts.


This practice-orientated workshop is about finding out which mindsets make it difficult for us to write and how we can overcome them.


Formulating academic texts can be a challenge for various reasons. In this workshop, questions and strategies will be considered together in order to become more confident in formulating your own scientific work.


This short workshop is about "Reading to write". The focus is on getting to know and trying out different reading methods to help you pursue your reading goal with a customised approach.


This short preparatory workshop is all about the little things you need to know before writing your first academic text. Topics covered include the general writing process, the difference between topic and research question, and how to make arrangements with supervisors.


This short workshop is about what constitutes plagiarism and how you can avoid plagiarising with solid working techniques.


10 things you always wanted to know about academic writing. This online workshop is designed to be self-paced with explanatory videos and exercises. It is aimed at anyone who already has (some) experience with academic writing.


Work­shops for PhD stu­dents and re­search­ers

The half-day workshop is aimed at students interested in doing a PhD. How can you find a well-defined topic for your PhD dissertation? And how can you reconcile your own ideas with the real requirements and opportunities?


This one-day workshop is aimed at PhD students at the beginning of their doctorate who currently want to or have to write an exposé for their dissertation. The exposé can be intended for your own topic clarification, the supervisor or for an application for a scholarship.


This one-day workshop is all about the most important prerequisites for a well-prepared, motivated and focussed start to the dissertation. The workshop is aimed at PhD students from all faculties who are at the beginning of the doctoral phase.


This one-day workshop focusses on the process of writing in the narrower sense and shows various possibilities, procedures, exercises and strategies on how to get PhD dissertations going. The workshop is aimed at PhD students from all faculties who are just starting to write or are in the middle of a writing phase.


As a rule, academic writing cannot be done without a thorough revision of existing outlines, drafts and text fragments. This one-day workshop is aimed at PhD students in the middle and towards the end of their doctorate who have already produced text and now want to find the common thread.


In this workshop, we will look at how to deal with peer reviews. It is intended for all researchers in the earlier stages of their career who have to revise texts after peer reviews, for example submissions for an anthology or to a journal.


PhD students in the final months of their doctorate meet (digitally) for self-directed writing and working groups to motivate themselves in the final metres of their dissertation, to work in a focused manner and to exchange ideas about challenges. In addition, there are regular short focus meetings to set goals and write. The focus meetings are framed by three half-day workshops, which offer time for writing in addition to content input.


10 things you always wanted to know about academic writing. This online workshop is designed to be self-paced with explanatory videos and exercises. It is aimed at anyone who already has (some) experience with academic writing.


Work­shops for lec­tur­ers

Once a year, we offer the continuing education programme SCHREIBEN LEHREN. This practice-oriented training qualifies you to develop writing workshops and writing-intensive courses in your subject area and to accompany students on their way into the writing culture of your subject.


Peer feedback in your course! With the textographer programme, we want to strengthen writing in the subjects and support writing-oriented teaching that combines subject area content and academic writing. Textographers are students from your subject area who are trained by us and accompany your subject-specific course for a semester with text feedback for your students.


We offer you the opportunity to have us support you in planning individual sessions or entire writing-intensive courses or to clarify questions about the inclusion of writing in teaching.


Plagiarism is often only seen as annoying misbehaviour on the part of students, but it also raises key questions about academic practice or indicates that important practices are unclear. The one-day workshop for lecturers provides information on the very different causes of plagiarism and shows how students can be supported in acquiring skills that make copying superfluous.


We have put together a collection of tips and ideas for developing useful writing, reading and text feedback techniques for your digital course. We also discuss the use of various digital tools and formats for this purpose. We are also happy to share some of our favourite methods with you!


Sometimes you write as a teacher yourself... We have compiled 10 things you always wanted to know about academic writing. The result is an online workshop with explanatory videos and suitable exercises to work on yourself.