Want to speak Spanish, Japanese or Swedish without any grades or pressure to perform?
Then our language café is just right for you!
The language café offers an opportunity to exchange ideas on interesting topics in informal conversations with other language learners.
-Exchange on diverse and interesting topics
-Consolidation of oral language skills
-Discussions in small groups and in plenary
-Individualised design by the participants
-Free speaking to round off the session
German language café dates
(minimum of A2 level required)
23.01.2025 | 14:00-15:00 | UPB (P1 2.22) |
06.02.2025 | 14:00-15:00 | UPB (P1 2.22) |
20.02.2025 | 14:00-15:00 | UPB (P1 2.22) |
Japanese language café dates
The Japanese language café will take place on the following dates
Monday, 25.11.2024 | 16:30-17:30 | I3.203 |
Monday, 02.12.2024 | 16:30-17:30 | I3.203 |
Monday, 09.12.2024 | 16:30-17:30 | I3.203 |
Monday, 16.12.2024 Christmas party | 17:00 (end open) | Alois-Fuchs-Weg study room (in the courtyard) |
Thursday, 09.01.2024 | 14:30-15:30 | I3.213 |
Thursday, 16.01.2024 Japanese evening - feel free to bring snacks and games | 14:30 (end open) | I3.213 |
Thursday, 23.01.2024 | 14:30-15:30 | I3.213 |
Thursday, 30.01.2024 | 14:30-15:30 | I3.213 |
Swedish language café dates
The Swedish language café (Svensk fika) with Lena Berglind takes place on Wednesdays from 10.45-11.15 a.m. during the semester.
Room: I3.413
Spanish language café dates
The Spanish language café is currently not taking place.