What and for whom are the InRegioFIT workshops?
In the 2-3 day workshops, typical study situations are scrutinised and language skills are practised in these situations. This includes, for example, preparing for exams, oral exams or writing theses, but also organising your own everyday life as a student, dealing correctly with AI and writing applications and conducting job interviews.
The workshops are aimed at international students and doctoral candidates at Paderborn University, exchange students from partner universities and German learners on DSH courses.
What do we do there?
Through input from the workshop leaders and concrete examples, orientation knowledge on the various topics is imparted. In individual, pair and group exercises, you will develop strategies for successful study/application and generally appropriate language behaviour in various situations. At the same time, you will learn to correctly assess your own strengths and weaknesses and to further develop your (language) skills in a targeted manner.
The following questions, among others, will be answered in the various workshops:
- How can I effectively integrate AI into my language work at university?
- How do I write polite emails to lecturers in order to receive targeted support?
- Which methods help me to avoid writer's block?
- How can I prepare myself well (linguistically and subject-wise) for exams and oral examinations?
- Can I be understood well? What can I do to make myself easier to understand?
- How do I check my term paper for comprehensibility, structure and linguistic correctness?
- How can I deal with exam anxiety?
- How do I recognise what is expected of me in a call for proposals? How do I write a suitable application?
When is the next workshop taking place and how can I register?
You can find all workshops with the option to register in PAUL.
You can also find more information about the project here: /en/studies/international-office/inregio
If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to