Frequently asked questions about exam administration for teachers/examiners
Where can I find examination regulations?
The examination regulations and amendment statutes are published in the Official Notices of the Paderborn University (Verkündungsblatt).
Which examination regulations and amendment statutes apply to the respective degree programme can be found in PAUL under "Studium > Semesterverwaltung > Anmeldung zu Veranstaltungen" ? Screenshot below

When are the exam registration periods?
Information on the university-wide and second examination registration phase (only in some teaching units: Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Media Studies, Physics, gff. also Sport and Home Economics) can be found on the PAUL info pages: Examination registration
What options are there for withdrawing from exams?
You can find information here on this page: Exam withdrawal
Do students have to be enrolled when taking examinations?
Yes, according to the Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Hochschulgesetz NRW) and the applicable examination regulations, you must be registered when taking examinations, i.e. you must always be enrolled (in certain cases defined in the law, this also applies in the case of a leave of absence)! After exmatriculation, examinations may no longer be taken. This also applies to the submission of final papers and any other final performances (such as lectures or similar). Always ask to see the student ID valid for the current semester in conjunction with a photo ID.
Do students have to stay enrolled until a performance has been assessed?
No, you only need to be enrolled to be able to perform, e.g. on the day of an examination or during the processing period of the thesis, if applicable including a presentation or colloquium.
? It is not necessary to be enrolled to receive assessments.
However, if you are not sure whether you have passed the examination, you should remain enrolled, as this is the only way to repeat the examination if necessary.
Where can students submit a thesis?
Information on submitting theses can be found in the letter of admission (PDF in PAUL) and also on this page. The submission is possible until midnight of the submission date (deadline) in electronic form (via UniMail to the ZPS and the assessor) or in bound form (at the gatekeeper).
As a rule, the student has not registered for the examination in PAUL. In this case, please contact the administration of the degree programme the student is studying.
Only selected titles are permitted in PAUL, which must be deposited in this way in the IMT service portal.
Details can be found on the PAUL help pages for teachers under "Which academic titles are displayed in PAUL?":
According to a decision from the PAUL project phase, the following titles have been defined on the system side as the only available titles in PAUL (decision of 26.01.2012):
Prof. Dr.
Jun. Prof.
Jun. Prof. Dr.
Please note:
Only the above-mentioned academic titles are used in PAUL. A different entry in the IMT service portal( will result in no academic title being displayed in PAUL.
Ein*e Studierende*r ist mit der Bewertung einer Prüfung nicht einverstanden, was jetzt?
Hierzu muss vom Prüfling ein formaler Widerspruch gegen diese Prüfung (hier die Bewertung) einzulegen. Dieser ist innerhalb bestimmter Fristen einzureichen und inhaltich zu begründen. Bei Fragen wenden 360直播吧 sich bitte ans Zentrale Prüfungssekretariat.