Note on book­ing rent­al vehicles - New pro­vider

From 1 January 2025, rental vehicles can also be hired from Ingenhaag in Paderborn for business trips in addition to the well-known rental vehicle companies.

Note on book­ing rent­al vehicles at AVIS

The AVIS car rental station in Paderborn will be permanently closed from 01.01.2025!

Travel guidelines of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

The University of Paderborn has new travel guidelines since 20.07.23.

  • The UPB travel expenses policy in german can be found here.
  • If you would like an English version, please use this link.
  • You can find the policy for eco-friendly business trips in german here.
  • If you would also like an English version of this, please use this link.

Hand­ling of the Deutsch­landtick­et un­der travel ex­penses law

Information on the reimbursement procedure of the travel department:

  • Since reimbursement requires full monthly amortization, it is necessary that proof (in the form of a screenshot) of the regular fare be submitted with the travel expense report. If the amortization is only achieved with several business trips in the respective month, these business trips must be submitted bundled for one month with the travel expense reports. Proportional reimbursement is not possible!
  • Additional costs (e.g. further necessary travel by ICE) will be reimbursed as before.
  • The Deutschlandticket can only be purchased privately. Procurement by the department is not possible.
  • Since the Deutschlandticket is purchased as part of a subscription, it is pointed out that in the months in which no or no complete amoritization can be proven, no reimbursement can be made on the part of UPB in the context of business trip accounts.

The Travel Department is available for advice, also in advance when planning business trips.

New reg­u­la­tion of travel ex­pense law NRW from 2022 on­wards

The travel expense law NRW has changed in many respects as of 01.01.2022:

Key points of the new regulation in the Travel Expenses Law NRW:

  • Digital communication options are to be used
  • Elimination of the distinction between business trips and business walks
  • Abolition of the so-called "30km rule¡° for the use of public transport
  • Uniform distance allowance for travel by private motor vehicle (€0.30 per kilometer)
  • Two-wheeled vehicles and bicycles = 0,20€ per kilometer
  • New regulation of reimbursement for first-class rail travel
  • When choosing the means of transport, aspects of climate protection in particular must be taken into account in addition to economic considerations

You can find the changes in detail here.

Please note that from 2022 the new forms must be used!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Travel Department!