Course de­scrip­tion

Nr. 816.01

Navigating an International Academic Career: Challenges, Risks, Opportunities


7th November 2024, 9 am – 3:30 pm.

Individual coaching sessions: 8th  November 2024



Target group

Doctoral Candidates and postdocs from all faculties (international researchers pursuing an academic career in Germany as well as German and other researchers aiming for positions in other countries)



Group size

max. 12 participants


International academic careers present a particular set of challenges, risks and opportunities. This workshop allows you to understand them more fully, to discuss them with other internationally minded researchers and scientists and to apply them to your own situation. The workshop also provides you with an opportunity to plan the next steps of your career.

The aspects covered include:

  • What are typical forms and functions of international academic mobility?

  • Which opportunities arise from international academic mobility? What are the main risks?

  • What can I do to benefit from the opportunities and to minimise the risks?

  • How international are academic labour markets in different countries?

  • What are the achievements to aim for? Similarities and dissimilarities in different countries. How do I develop my scientific profile?

  • What are my next steps?

The coaching sessions on day 2 complement the workshop and allow for a more detailed discussion of individual questions and challenges. Time slots for the coaching sessions will be arranged in the workshop.


Dr. Matthias Zach

Trainers background

Dr. Matthias Zach counsels researchers and scientists on all relevant aspects of their career. Trained in philosophy and literary studies in Tübingen, Oxford and Paris, he has completed a binational PhD at the Sorbonne and the University of Tübingen. His previous work experience includes several posts as researcher and science manager in Britain, France and Germany.

Organisational information

This workshop is planned as an online workshop (using ZOOM). You will need a pc/ laptop with speakers, microphone and camera.

Registration deadline

2 weeks before the start of the event.

On the day of the registration deadline we decide on the basis of the registrations whether an event can take place or not. Therefore, please register promptly if you are interested! The more registrations we receive, the more certain we can hold the event. Of course, you can still register after the registration deadline if there are still places available.


Desired Cours(e)
personal details
Approval of superior

Declaration of consent *