Quality management system for studying and teaching

Paderborn University's quality management concept was adopted in 2008 and has been continuously developed since then. In order to implement the quality management system (QMS), Paderborn University has defined objectives which it reviews in a continuous process (quality control loop). Ongoing reporting, the conclusion of target agreements and associated measures as well as regular reflection ensure sustainable quality assurance.

A defined responsibility structure defines which units are responsible for strategic quality management and operational quality assurance. The Vice President for Teaching, Studies and Quality Management (VP LSQ) is the leading person in the Executive Board for strategic quality management. Decentralised responsibility for the operational implementation of the QMS lies with the members of the Council of Deans of Studies (CStud). This committee is made up of the Vice President for Teaching, Studies and Quality Management, the Deans of Studies and the PLAZ Director of Studies and Teaching. At degree programme level, the programme representatives are responsible for the operational implementation of the QMS. Department 6.1 supports and coordinates the implementation of the QMS at central level in cooperation with the Vice President for Teaching, Studies and Quality Management.

The Evaluation Regulations (EvaO) for Teaching and Learning at Paderborn University set out binding university-wide standards for carrying out evaluations and thus serve to ensure and improve the quality of teaching and learning.
Mission statement for studying and teaching at Paderborn University
Paderborn University is facing up to the challenges of studying and teaching in a digitalised world. It utilises the potential and seizes the opportunities offered by technology to meet the heterogeneous needs of an increasingly diverse student body and to continuously improve the quality of studying and teaching. At the same time, it takes responsibility for analysing the risks of change and avoiding them wherever possible. It develops visions and designs innovative concepts for studying and teaching that are groundbreaking for the future of teaching and learning processes.
Participatory, diverse study programmes
Paderborn University is committed to the unity of research and teaching. This is reflected, among other things, in the early involvement of students in research practice and in the orientation of teaching towards current topics of academic discourse. Paderborn University attaches great importance to excellent quality of study and teaching. By promoting the personal development of students, it contributes to the development of a modern, diverse and democratic society and stands for unprejudiced, innovative and interdisciplinary teaching. Paderborn University is a place of participatory exchange between teaching staff and students who shape educational processes together.
Activating, skills-orientated teaching
Paderborn University offers attractive, competitive study programmes that are characterised by high quality and up-to-date content. Various exchange programmes, transnational partnerships and foreign language courses give them an international orientation. Teaching and studying is geared towards students' individual acquisition of skills in dealing with subject-specific and content-related issues and takes into account the heterogeneity of the student body by opening up individual learning paths and encouraging a high degree of independence in the didactic design of teaching. Teaching takes place at eye level and in open dialogue. Individuality and diversity are seen as an opportunity for both students and teaching staff. At the same time, students are sensitised to cultural, professional and social diversity.
Responsible, independent graduates
The specialised knowledge, subject-related skills and interdisciplinary key qualifications acquired during the degree programme enable graduates to take up professional activities in academic and non-academic fields of work and enable them to assume social responsibility, react to changes and develop innovative solutions. They should view the world critically from the perspective of a scientist, regardless of their career path. They should also be characterised by commitment, responsible action and critical faculties and be able to participate in social discourse.
Good, sponsors study conditions
In order to ensure good study conditions for students, a technical infrastructure for optimal study organisation has been institutionalised. Furthermore, framework conditions are created that enable equal and non-discriminatory studies. The tension between standardised study programmes and individual learning paths is managed constructively. Digital teaching and learning formats are used to complement classroom teaching. To maximise academic success, Paderborn University students are offered a wide range of support and counselling options throughout the entire student life cycle. Teachers are actively supported in the further development of their didactic skills and motivated to provide excellent and innovative teaching through an incentive system. Both lecturers and students are given the opportunity to discuss teaching and develop it further together. The quality management system for studies and teaching, in which students are fully involved, supports the improvement of the quality of studies in terms of content, methodology and organisation.
Reporting in studies and teaching
University-wide study and teaching objectives are reviewed every two years on the basis of meaningful key figures along the student life cycle (access to studies, course of studies, transition to the labour market). To this end, the faculties receive statistics from Department 6.1 for the preparation of a QM report on the following eight key figures:
- First-year students
- Regional origin of students
- Attrition
- Number of students in standard period of study plus 2 semesters
- ECTS cohort statistics
- Proportion of graduates with study-related stays abroad
- Proportion of graduates in standard period of study plus two semesters
- Proportion of graduates with employment appropriate to their degree programme and subject area
Using key questions, the faculties analyse the statistics with the participation of all status groups, examine anomalies and identify areas where action is needed to improve the quality of teaching and learning. They use these results to formulate the QM reports.
In addition, targets are agreed between the faculties and the Executive Board every four years. At least once during the term, the faculties report on the status of implementation by analysing the degree of target achievement and naming possible improvement measures. At the end of the target agreement, the results are jointly assessed and further developed for the next cycle.
Abbreviations of the faculties: KW = Cultural Studies; WW = Economics; NW = Natural Sciences; MB = Mechanical Engineering; EIM = Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics
Target agreements for study and teaching
Time periods | Target agreements by faculty (only available internally) | ||||
2022-2025 | KW | WW | NW | MB | EIM |
2019-2021 | KW | WW | NW | MB | EIM |
2014-2017 | KW | WW | NW | MB | EIM |
2011-2013 | KW | WW | NW | MB | EIM |
QM reports (according to new format from 2023)
QM and evaluation reports (according to old format until 2021)
Dates | QM reports by faculty (only available internally) | Evaluation reports by faculty (only available internally) | |||||||||
2021 | CW | WW | NW | MB | EIM | Teaching profession | KW | WW | NW | MB | EIM |
2019 | KW | WW | NW | MB | EIM | Teaching profession | KW | WW | NW | MB | EIM |
2017 | KW | WW | NW | MB | EIM | Teaching profession | KW | WW | NW | MB | EIM |
2015 | KW | WW | NW | MB | EIM | KW | WW | NW | MB | EIM | |
2013 | KW | WW | NW | MB | EIM | ||||||
2011 | KW | WW | NW | MB | EIM |