Contact and advice centres

Non-discriminatory, barrier-free and inclusive study and working conditions and respectful interaction are indispensable cornerstones of everyday research and study life at Paderborn University. It is necessary to remove potential barriers on campus by identifying problems and developing solutions through dialogue. To this end, university members have access to various university contact points and counselling services in the event of discrimination.
This multitude of counselling centres and their different anchoring at Paderborn University often causes uncertainty among those seeking advice as to which centre they should turn to. Here, an overview can help to make counselling and action options for discrimination at Paderborn University visible. This page is currently under construction and will be available shortly.
A detailed overview of counselling services and contact points for Paderborn University employees can be found on the Human Resources Development website.
In addition, Paderborn University works together with external counselling centres to provide those affected with the best possible professional support outside the university structures.
- Central Student Counselling Service
- Psychosocial counselling of the Central Student Advisory Service
- Counselling on studying with disabilities (SmB)
- Central Equal Opportunities Officer
- Decentralised Equal Opportunities Officer
- Family Service Office - counselling on family and care issues
- AStA social office for students
- Free legal and tax advice from the AStA
- "Queers & Friends" - student initiative for gender and sexual diversity at Paderborn University
- Foreign Student Representation (ASV) - Counselling for international students
- International Office - Counselling for exchange students (incoming & outgoing students)
- - offers and counselling on student health management
- Writing Competence Centre - service centre for academic writing and working for all faculties at Paderborn University
- ProLernen - internal university counselling centre for procrastination, motivation and self-regulated learning
- Studierendenwerk Paderborn - Advice on accommodation, student finance and BAf?G matters
- Women's counselling centre Lilith e.V. for sexualised discrimination and violence in Paderborn
- KIM - Soziale Arbeit e.V. "M?nnerBeratung" in the event of sexualised discrimination and violence in Paderborn
- Paderborn Alliance against Depression e.V.
- Anonymous mail counselling [U25] Paderborn for suicidal thoughts and crises
- Counselling service for mentally ill, addicted and mentally disabled people and their relatives provided by the Paderborn Social Psychiatric Service
- Self-help contact centre in Paderborn
- Asylum and refugee counselling MiCado - specialist service for integration and migration
- Paderborn chapter of for first-time graduates
- Study Compass funding programme for pupils who want to be the first in their family to start studying and need help to get started
- Service centre for anti-discrimination work (ADA) Paderborn
- "SCHLAU-Paderborn " - educational and anti-discrimination project on gender identities and sexual orientations organised by Aidshilfe Paderborn e.V.
- "Loving diversity " - Democracy Office in the Paderborn district
- "NRWeltoffen" - local action plan for the prevention of right-wing extremism and racism
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