Celebrating diversity at UPB on the 28th of May 2024

For 12 years now, the Diversity Charter has been calling on companies, organisations and educational institutions to take part in the annual "German Diversity Day". As a signatory to the Diversity Charter, Paderborn University is particularly keen to respond to this call and once again demonstrate its commitment to diversity issues on campus with numerous action stands in the library foyer on 28 May.
Together with more than 830 organisations , it has registered one of over 2,600 activities for #DDT24 and will once again use its #VoteForDiversity. In addition to a diversity quiz, where anyone interested can test their knowledge of diversity issues, the dialogue partners invited to the day of action from various university-wide institutions and initiatives in the field of diversity are a particular success factor: at four action stands, they will provide information on this year's focus topic of first-time academics, report on their diversity-related activities as well as their everyday work and research and thus present the range of existing structures relating to diversity on the Paderborn campus. The day of action will also be followed by a series of events entitled "You too? First-time academics at UPB" in June and July 2024.
Further information on the Paderborn Day of Action can also be found on the Diversity Charter action map . You can also find interesting information under the hashtag #DDT24 and on the Diversity Charter homepage .
The day of action at a glance
Contact persons on site: Dr Claudia Mahs (Managing Director of the Centre for Gender Studies / Gender Studies), Dr. Sebastian Althoff and Roland Mikosch (Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) /Aktiven Gruppe UPB)
Topic of the stand: Scientific approach to the topic in the form of a book table/equality in terms of educational opportunities
Contact persons on site: Dr. Henriette Seeliger (Office of Academic Career Development/Jenny Aloni Centre for Early Career Researchers), Dr.in Anda-Lisa Harmening (Graduate Centre of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities), Stefanie Leinfellner and Dr. Julia Steinhausen (Mentoring Programmes for female doctoral candidates and students)
Topic of the stand: Support options at UPB for academic career planning (doctorate, postdoc & professorship)
Ansprechpersonen vor Ort: Sevim Kaya, Laureen Gr?flich und Marla Baier (ArbeiterKind.de/ Gruppe Paderborn), Malin Osnabrügge und Tatjana Lüke (AStA) sowie H. A., Rumeysa Yilmaz und Saliha Keles (InteGREATer e.V.)
Thema des Stands: Unterstützungsm?glichkeiten an der UPB von Studierenden für Studierende
Weitere Informationen folgen in Kürze!
"You too?! First-time academics at UPB" - series of events in June and July 2024
Title:"Insights into the biographies and experiences of first-time academics from Talentscouting OWL"
Event format: Biographical live talk with a relaxed conclusion afterwards
Date: Thursday, 27 June 2024 (5:30-7:00 pm)
Speaker: Annkatrin Buchen and Jan-Steffen Glüpker (Talentscouting OWL/ Central Student Advisory Service)
Location: NN
The "Talentscouting OWL" programme supports first-year students on their path from school to university. As part of the discussion round on 27 June, three students from the talent scouting programme and the talent scouts from Paderborn University will report on their experiences of arriving at university and university life as well as on the topic of equal opportunities in the education system.

Title: "Is a scholarship also something for me? Information and support in everyday study life through the ArbeiterKind.de community"
Event format: Lecture & FAQ with a relaxed conclusion afterwards
Date: Tuesday, 02 July 2024 (04:00-05:30 pm)
Speaker: Sabine Hoffmann (Federal State Coordination NRW-East of Arbeiterkind.de)
Location: NN
ArbeiterKind.de also supports first-generation students in Paderborn. Are you the first person from your family of origin to go to university? Congratulations! At this event, you will find out what ArbeiterKind.de is all about. What opportunities are there to apply for a scholarship? We will answer your questions about financing your studies and tell you about our own financing methods. You can get to know the volunteer ArbeiterKind.de group in Paderborn and find a connection and exchange on questions about everyday student life!
Title:"First-time academics and doctorates - Let?s dismantle some myths! An overview of opportunities, challenges and support services"
Event format: Lecture and Q&A session including graduate get-together for all interested parties after the event
Date: Tuesday, 09 July 2024 (06:00-07:30 pm)
Speaker: Dr Anda-Lisa Harmening (Managing Director of the Graduate Centre of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities)
Location: NN
There are various myths surrounding the doctorate that (could) deter first-time academics in particular from doing a doctorate. The talk will deal with these myths, which will be subjected to a reality check. It will also discuss support services at Paderborn University and the great and possibly unknown aspects of a doctoral phase. The subsequent exchange format is intended to give all attendees the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences and engage in peer-to-peer discussions. Afterwards, graduates will meet for an informal exchange at the graduate get-together.

After the three events, all interested parties are cordially invited to an informal discussion with the speakers at the UPB Grillcafé.
Further information can be found here!
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