Further links to Diversity

A diversity-sensitive, barrier-free and non-discriminatory university culture requires constant critical scrutiny of the actions and attitudes of all university members. Knowledge about diversity and the different structures and conditions that favour and promote diversity in the university environment plays a special role in this.
Here you will therefore find an overview of background information and further links to enable you to engage with the topic independently. The collection is updated regularly and is not intended as a complete list, but rather as an optional source of information for interested parties.
If you have any suggestions for further additions to this list, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail.
- Article 3 of the Basic Law (GG)
- General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)
- AGG-Wegweiser - Explanations and examples of the General Equal Treatment Act of the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency
- Overview of case law on anti-discrimination law (as of 09/2022)
- Equal Treatment Directives of the European Union
- Summary of selected ECJ rulings on anti-discrimination law (as of 02/2022)
- Higher Education Act of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Higher Education Act - HG NRW)
- Equal Opportunities Act of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (LGG)
- Guide "What to do about sexual harassment in the workplace?" for employees, employers and works councils
- Guide "deconstruct antisemitism! Recognising anti-Semitic codes and metaphors"
- Handout "Religious diversity in the workplace"
- Orientation guide during studies for first-time graduates
- Series of publications by Netzwerk Bildung on the topic of "Social background and educational success "
- Dossier onracism from the Federal Agency for Civic Education
- Dossier ondiscrimination/anti-discrimination from the Federal Agency for Civic Education
- Migration and diversity dossier from the Federal Agency for Civic Education
- Web portal for people with disabilities of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
- Factsheet Diversity of the Diversity Charter
- "Stand Up for DIVERSITY " - Card set of the Diversity Charter
- "Antiracism" - Toolbox of the Diversity Charter
- "Immediate help with discrimination" - Digital guide from the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency
- "Non-discriminatory language" glossaryfrom the "New German Media Makers" initiative
Take part!
Our portal is currently under construction.
Is your field not yet linked in the Diversity Portal? Help us to complete this portal andcontact us at laura.maring@upb.de.