Offers for UPB students and staff: Gaining the ability to speak and act in dealing with Antisemitism, Islamophobia and the Middle East conflict

In the current summer semester 2024 and in the winter semester 2024/25, the Central Equal Opportunities Officer, together with the Diversity Officer and the Central Student Advice Centre of Paderborn University, is inviting all members of the university to a series of events.
In cooperation with the Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies (ZeKK), local partners such as the Service Agency for Anti-Discrimination Work, Advice on Racism and Antisemitism (SABRA) and the Anti-Discrimination Advice and Intervention on Antisemitism and Racism (ADIRA) as well as the Information and Documentation Centre for Anti-Racism Work in NRW (IDA NRW), they are offering various formats dealing with the topics of Antisemitism and anti-Muslim racism in the period from June 2024 to January 2025. Thanks to the expertise of the invited speakers, the aim is to provide all interested parties with specialist knowledge and perspectives on how to deal with the Middle East conflict in everyday study and work life on campus.
Events for students

360直播吧 (in presence) on the topic of antisemitism for students in summer semester 2024
Date: Wednesday, 26 June 2024 (2pm - 4pm)
Title: "What is antisemitism? Recognise, name, act"
Speakers: Johanna Lauke and Maria Lessik (ADIRA NRW)
Location: Seminar room on the UPB campus, available by email after pre-registration
Whether as an insult, joke or prejudice or in the context of assemblies - anti-Semitism is also a current problem at universities. However, it is not always possible to recognise it and react appropriately. In order to gain confidence in dealing with anti-Semitic incidents, knowledge is needed both about its manifestations and about concrete counter-strategies. In the workshop, we will therefore look at the functions and characteristics of current forms of anti-Semitism and discuss successful strategies for action based on cases from the university context.

Presentation of the Antisemitism counselling and reporting centres in NRW for all interested parties in summer semester 2024
Date: Monday, 15 July 2024 (4 pm- 6 pm)
Speaker*in: NN (ADIRA NRW), NN (RIAS NRW) and NN (SABRA NRW)
Location: C2
ADIRA (Anti-Discrimination Counselling and Intervention in Anti-Semitism and Racism) is a state-funded counselling centre for anti-discrimination work run by the Jewish Community of Dortmund. ADIRA advises those affected by anti-Semitism throughout Westphalia and offers various educational formats for prevention and sensitisation on the topic of anti-Semitism.
360直播吧 on the topic for teacher training students and future teachers in winter semester 2024/25
Date: probably in the period from November 2024 to January 2025
Title: NN
Speakers: NN
Location: available by email after pre-registration
More information will follow soon!
Event on the topic "Thinking together Antisemitism and anti-Muslim Racism" for students in winter semester 2024/2025
Date: Wednesday, 27 November 2024 (2 pm - 4 pm)
Speaker*in: NN (IDA NRW)
Location: available by email after pre-registration
A description of the training will follow shortly!
Vorstellung von Beratungs- und Meldestellen im Bereich antimuslimischer Rassismus für alle Interessierten im WiSe 2024/2025
Datum: 03.12.2024, 11-13:00 Uhr
Referent*in: Selin Aydin und Nura Selo (CLAIM - Allianz gegen Islam- und Muslimfeindlichkeit)
Ort: L1
Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen mit den beiden Vertreterinnen von CLAIM // Allianz gegen Islam – und Muslimfeindlichkeit ins Gespr?ch zu kommen und einen Einblick in die Arbeit von Beratungs- und Meldestellen im Bereich antimuslimischer Rassismus zu erhalten. Gemeinsam m?chten wir au?erdem einen Blick auf die Situation von muslimischen Studierenden vor und nach dem 07. Oktober werfen und Gelegenheit für einen Austausch bieten. Ebenso k?nnen Interessierte Fragen und Fallbeispiele aus Ihrem eigenen Alltag mitbringen, die die Referentinnen zusammen mit allen Anwesenden bearbeiten und analysieren. Hierfür ist extra ein 30-minütiges Zeitfenster für eine Fragerunde vorgesehen, sodass es ausreichend Gelegenheit geben wird, eigene Fragen zu stellen.
"CLAIM vereint und vernetzt aktuell 52 muslimische und nichtmuslimische Akteure der Zivilgesellschaft und bildet eine breite gesellschaftliche Allianz gegen antimuslimischen Rassismus, Islam- und Muslimfeindlichkeit. CLAIM schafft effektive Strukturen für fachlichen Austausch und Kooperation in Deutschland und in Europa und unterstützt zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen und Projekte, notwendige Kompetenzen weiter auszubauen. Gef?rdert wird CLAIM u. a. vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) im Rahmen des Bundesprogramms ?Demokratie leben!“ und durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration und zugleich die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Antirassismus." (Selbstbeschreibung CLAIM - Allianz gegen Islam- und Muslimfeindlichkeit)

360直播吧 zum Thema ?Islamfeindlichkeit und die Sozialen Medien - Zum Umgang mit antimuslimischer Haltung im Netz" im WiSe 2024/2025
Datum: 03.12.2024, 16-20:00 Uhr
Referent*in: Selin Avci und Nura Selo (CLAIM - Allianz gegen Islam- und Muslimfeindlichkeit)
Ort: erh?ltlich per E-Mail nach Vorabanmeldung
"CLAIM vereint und vernetzt aktuell 52 muslimische und nichtmuslimische Akteure der Zivilgesellschaft und bildet eine breite gesellschaftliche Allianz gegen antimuslimischen Rassismus, Islam- und Muslimfeindlichkeit. CLAIM schafft effektive Strukturen für fachlichen Austausch und Kooperation in Deutschland und in Europa und unterstützt zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen und Projekte, notwendige Kompetenzen weiter auszubauen. Gef?rdert wird CLAIM u. a. vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) im Rahmen des Bundesprogramms ?Demokratie leben!“ und durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration und zugleich die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Antirassismus." (Selbstbeschreibung CLAIM - Allianz gegen Islam- und Muslimfeindlichkeit)
Ein Beschreibungstext zur Fortbildung folgt in Kürze!

Further training on the topic of antisemitism for students in winter semester 2024/2025
Date: Wednesday, 15 January 2025 ( 2 pm - 4 pm)
Speaker: NN (SABRA NRW)
Location: available by email after pre-registration
A description of the training will follow shortly!
Events for employees & lecturers

Further training on the topic of Antisemitism for employees in summer semester 2024
Date: Tuesday, 17 September 2024 (9 am - 1 pm)
Speaker: Katja Kuklinski and Ruth Chechelnizki (SABRA NRW)
Katja Kuklinski and Ruth Chechelnizki work at the Service Centre for Anti-Discrimination Work, Advice on Racism and Antisemitism (SABRA) at the Jewish Community of Düsseldorf. They will provide an overview of fundamental issues and show how current forms of Antisemitism can be recognised. They will also report on the perceptions and experiences of Jewish people with anti-Semitism and talk about their work at SABRA and present the counselling services.
Location: available by email after pre-registration
Event description: Modern Antisemitism manifests itself in various ways. Being able to recognise it in all its facets is the basis for being able to take further steps and measures against it. Since the terrorist attack by Hamas on 7 October 2023, the situation in Germany and worldwide has become even more complex. A new normality seems to be taking hold, in which Antisemitism is gradually becoming less taboo, while at the same time appearing more disinhibited and also gaining more space at universities.

Further training on the topic of Antisemitism for university members who work as counsellors at Paderborn University in summer semester 2024
Date: Tuesday, 17 September 2024 (2 pm - 4 pm)
Speaker*in: Katja Kuklinski and Ruth Chechelnizki (SABRA NRW)
Katja Kuklinski and Ruth Chechelnizki work at the Service Centre for Anti-Discrimination Work, Advice on Racism and Antisemitism (SABRA) at the Jewish Community of Düsseldorf. They will provide an overview of fundamental issues and show how current forms of Antisemitism can be recognised. They will also report on the perceptions and experiences of Jewish people with anti-Semitism and talk about their work at SABRA and present the counselling services.
Location: available by email after pre-registration
Event description: Modern Antisemitism manifests itself in various ways. Being able to recognise it in all its facets is the basis for being able to take further steps and measures against it. Since the terrorist attack by Hamas on 7 October 2023, the situation in Germany and worldwide has become even more complex. A new normality seems to be taking hold, in which Antisemitism is gradually becoming less taboo, while at the same time appearing more disinhibited and also gaining more space at universities.
Further training on the topic of anti-Muslim Racism for employees in winter semester 2024/25
Date: Wednesday, 27 November 2024 (11 am - 1 pm)
Speaker: NN (CLAIM - Alliance against Islamophobia and Muslimophobia)
Location: available by email after pre-registration
A description of the training will follow shortly!
Further training on the topic of "Thinking together Antisemitism and anti-Muslim Racism" for lecturers and university staff who hold a teaching position at Paderborn University in winter semester 2024/2025
Date: NN
Speaker*in: NN (IDA NRW)
Location: available by email after pre-registration
A description of the training course will follow shortly!
Events for all interested university members

Digital lecture on the topic of "Basic knowledge of Antisemitism" for all university members in winter semester 2024/25
Date: Wednesday, 13 November 2024 (6 pm - 8 pm)
Speaker*in: NN (SABRA NRW)
Link: available by email after pre-registration
A description of the training will follow shortly!
Digital lecture on the topic "Finding options for action & language in the Middle East conflict" for all university members in winter semester 2024/25
Date: Wednesday, 20 November 2024 (6 pm - 8 pm)
Speaker*in: NN (SABRA / ADIRA NRW)
Link: available by email after pre-registration
A description of the training will follow shortly!
Digital lecture on "Thinking about Antisemitism and anti-Muslim Racism together" for all university members in winter semester 2024/25
Date: Wednesday, 27 November 2024 (6 pm - 8 pm)
Speaker*in: NN (IDA NRW)
Link: available by email after pre-registration
A description of the training will follow shortly!
Digital lecture on "Anti-Muslim racism - basic knowledge and options for action" for all university members in winter semester 2024/25
Date: Wednesday, 04 December 2024 (6 pm - 8 pm)
Speaker*in: NN (CLAIM - Alliance against Islamophobia and Muslimophobia)
Link: available by email after pre-registration
A description of the training will follow shortly!
Scientific lectures for all members of the university
Lecture as part of the lecture series "Dynamics of Legal Cultures: Islamic and Jewish legal traditions in dialogue" (ZeKK)
Date: Wednesday, 18 June 2024 (4 pm - 6 pm)
Title: "Diaspora and Law"
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Liliana Ruth Feierstein (Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin)
Location: Room Q1 203
Further information can be found here.

Lecture as part of the Paderborn Peace Lectures
Date: Thursday, 19 June 2024 (6:30 pm / admission from 6:15 pm)
Title: "An important piece of Europe: Political theology from Judaism"
Speaker: Rabbi Elisa Klapheck
Venue: Historical Town Hall Paderborn
Here you can find further information.
Lecture as part of the lecture series "Dynamics of Legal Cultures: Islamic and Jewish legal traditions in dialogue"(ZeKK)
Date: Wednesday, 09 July 2024 (4 pm - 6 pm)
Title: "Responses of legal scholarship in comparison"
Speaker: Dr Hakki Arslan (University of Münster)
Location: Room Q1 203
Further information can be found here.
Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung ?Rechts?den?ken im Ge?spr?ch“ (ZeKK)
Datum: Dienstag, der 19. November 2024 (16:00-18:00 Uhr)
Titel: ?Politische Theologie der Demokratie. Eine jüdische Perspektive“
Referentin: Prof. Dr. Elisa Klapheck (Universit?t Paderborn)
Ort: Raum L2.201
Weitere Informationen finden 360直播吧 hier.
Digitaler Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung ?Rechts?den?ken im Ge?spr?ch“ (ZeKK)
Datum: Dienstag, der 26. November 2024 (16:00-18:00 Uhr)
Titel: "Mischpat Ivri", Wie in Israel religi?ses Recht (Halacha) im s?kularen Recht berücksichtigt wird“
Referentin: Prof. Dr. Iris Canor (online)
Ort: digital, der Link kann bei Herrn Hadi Ghazi per E-Mail erfragt werden.
Weitere Informationen finden 360直播吧 hier.
Digitaler Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung ?Rechts?den?ken im Ge?spr?ch“ (ZeKK)
Datum: Dienstag, der 10. Dezember 2024 (16:00-18:00 Uhr)
Titel: "Der jüdische Islam“
Referentin: Susannah Heschel (online)
Ort: digital, der Link kann bei Herrn Hadi Ghazi per E-Mail erfragt werden.
Weitere Informationen finden 360直播吧 hier.
Digitaler Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung ?Rechts?den?ken im Ge?spr?ch“ (ZeKK)
Datum: Dienstag, der 17. Dezember 2024 (16:00-18:00 Uhr)
Titel: ?Islamisches Recht im s?kularen Verfassungsstaat"
Referentin: Dr. Rike Sinder (online)
Ort: digital, der Link kann bei Herrn Hadi Ghazi per E-Mail erfragt werden.
Weitere Informationen finden 360直播吧 hier.
Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung ?Rechts?den?ken im Ge?spr?ch“ (ZeKK)
Datum: Dienstag, der 21. Januar 2025 (16:00-18:00 Uhr)
Titel: ?Jenseits von Dhimma. Oder warum man sich heute mit islamischen Toleranzkonzepten besch?ftigen sollte“
Referentin: Dr. Stephan Kokew (Universit?t Paderborn)
Ort: Raum L2.201
Weitere Informationen finden 360直播吧 hier.
Would you like to participate?
Participation in the outlined event formats is free of charge. However, we ask you to register in advance by email. You will receive the venue or the event link for the digital events after you have registered.
If the registration did not work out (e.g. you haven?t received a link yet) please reach out to the Diversity Officer, Laura Maring.
The Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies (ZeKK) offers further formats on this topic

The Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies (ZeKK) offers regular events to intensify cooperation between Jewish, Christian
and Islamic theologies in Paderborn as well as cooperation between the theologies and cultural studies. In doing so, it supports the promotion of academic dialogue between the theologies with social tendencies towards Antisemitism, Islamophobia and general secularist hostility towards religion.