The Pader­born Uni­ver­sity's un­der­stand­ing of di­versity

Recognising and appreciating the different living and working conditions of its members are essential cornerstones of Paderborn University's value orientation. Heterogeneous social, cultural and/or educational backgrounds are reflected in a diversity of skills and abilities, all of which are justified and contribute to the success of the university as an educational institution. Equal opportunities and educational equity are an integral part of the university's understanding of diversity.

Paderborn University's concept of diversity includes the dimensions listed in the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG), such as ethnic origin/nationality, age, mental and physical impairment, religion and ideology and sexual identity, and expands it to include the dimension of social origin.

Di­versity and equal­ity

Due to the special structural, historical and legal conditions, the field of gender equality or the gender dimension represents an independent field of action that has long been firmly institutionalised at the university. Objectives and measures for equality are set out in gender concepts and strategic plans (e.g. equality plans, future concept, target agreements). Therefore, there are no explicit objectives relating to gender within the diversity strategy, only references to current equality strategies and equality measures. Through close interlinking and joint initiatives, there are synergy effects for the promotion of diversity, not only in the field of gender diversity.

Further information on the topic of gender equality as well as information on offers for university members with care responsibilities can be found on the homepage of the University's Central Equal Opportunities Officer or on the website of the Family Service Office.

In­ter­sec­tion­al anti-dis­crim­in­a­tion ap­proach

Paderborn University's understanding of diversity is also based on an intersectional approach. At the heart of this is a university-wide awareness of the simultaneous, often mutually reinforcing relationship between different dimensions of diversity. This raises awareness of the different needs of different target groups and makes it possible to recognise heterogeneity with all its consequences for individuals, both positive and negative.

The "Respectful Coexistence at Paderborn University" policy adopted by the Senate in 2022 provides the framework for non-discriminatory and respectful interaction between all members of the university. Proactive anti-discrimination protection and enabling participation for all members of the university by breaking down exclusion mechanisms and barriers, including through awareness-raising workshops and various counselling services and complaints procedures for those affected by discrimination, form another important component of Paderborn University's diversity strategy.

An overview of contact persons, contact points and complaints procedures in the event of discrimination at Paderborn University can be found here.

Stra­tegic an­chor­ing

Diversity is anchored as a cross-cutting issue in the President's Office with the President, and organisationally the issue is assigned to the Central Equal Opportunities Officer. As a cross-sectional task, diversity is an integral part of the university strategy, the university mission statement, the university development plan 2020 to 2024 and the university agreement with the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia 2026.

As a diversity-oriented, cosmopolitan and tolerant university, Paderborn University sees it as its duty to promote respectful interaction between all members of the university and to initiate, evaluate and further develop initiatives in this field. In terms of holistically promoting diversity and consistently dismantling barriers and discriminatory structures in favour of a diversity-friendly everyday life at the university, it is committed to bringing together existing activities and formulating concrete objectives for the coming years with the help of a holistic diversity strategy.

To this end, it took part in the external audit process "audit vielfaltsgerechte hochschule" as a pilot university and defined key topics and specific goals for the next three years. The auditing process, which was successfully completed in March 2023, helped to further strengthen diversity structurally and conceptually at the university and to develop a development perspective for the topic. The auditing process not only resulted in successful certification with the "Diversity-Friendly University" seal in June 2023, but also concrete recommendations for action and objectives for Paderborn University in favour of strengthening its own profile as a diversity-friendly university.

Suc­cess­ful pro­mo­tion of di­versity

Paderborn University sees the appreciation and recognition of diverse living and working conditions as one of its central tasks. It therefore committed to sponsoring diversity back in 2011 when it joined the Diversity Charter and has since developed a large number of projects and measures, including in the field of gender equality and teacher training, which recognise and promote the heterogeneity of students and staff as an opportunity.

The success of these measures is reflected, among other things, in the repeated award of the "family-friendly university" audit and the repeated award of the "TOTAL E-QUALITY" rating, which was awarded to the University for the second time in 2021 with the "Add-On Diversity" for its commitment to diversity and equal opportunities in the field of personnel and organisational policy. Paderborn University also emphasises its commitment to promoting diversity through various initiatives and action days such as Diversity Day.

News & Dates


16.01.2025: Your strengths in every­day uni­ver­sity life. Work­shop for wo­men* with Arbeit­er­

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18.09.2024 - 25.09.2024

Aware­ness train­ing for ori­ent­a­tion week team­ers in the winter semester 2024/25

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17.09.2024 - 17.09.2024

Train­ing on the top­ic of An­ti­semit­ism for em­ploy­ees

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15.07.2024 - 15.07.2024

Present­a­tion of the An­ti­semit­ism coun­sel­ing and re­port­ing cen­ters in NRW

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More news


audit family-friendly university

On 22 November 2005, Paderborn University was the first university in North Rhine-Westphalia to be awarded the basic certificate for the audit family-friendly university.

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audit diversity-friendly university

On 15 March 2023, the Board of Trustees of berufundfamilie awards Paderborn University the certificate for the audit vielfaltsgerechte hochschule.

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Paderborn University received the TOTAL E-QUALITY award for the first time in 2009 for its equal opportunities-orientated personnel policy.

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Diversity Charter

Paderborn University signed the "Diversity Charter" in October 2011.

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Charter on reconciling work and care

Paderborn University signed the "Charter for Reconciling Work and Care" in April 2023.

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[Translate to English:] Logo Zertifikat ?audit familiengerechte hochschule“
Logo "audit vielfaltgerechte hochschule" certificate
Logo of the "TOTAL E-QUALITY" initiative
Logo of the "Charter of Diversity" voluntary commitment
Charter on Reconciliation of Work and Care

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