The Family Service Office of Paderborn University is actively involved in various networks at federal and state level. The continuous exchange promotes the quality development and assurance of family-friendly working and study conditions.
HochschulNetzwerk Familie NRW
The HochschulNetzwerk Familie NRW (also known as HNF NRW for short) is an association of family-oriented institutions at universities, colleges and university hospitals. Its main purpose is to strengthen the exchange between the family service offices or adequate institutions and to enable the development of networked innovative ideas. The aim is to advance the quality development and assurance of family-friendly working and study conditions at North Rhine-Westphalian university locations.
Familie in der Hochschule e.V.
By joining the network Familie in der Hochschule e.V. ( Family in Higher Education Network) and signing the "Familie in der Hochschule" charter by the university management, the university is making a statement on family orientation and committing itself to the goals and quality standards for a family-friendly university set out in the charter.
The formulation of five goals to be achieved with the help of the charter, as well as the presentation of goals achieved so far, are considered prerequisites for membership and guarantee continuous further development with regard to family orientation. Membership is a self-commitment on the part of the university to actively engage in reconciling family responsibilities with studies, teaching, research and science-supporting activities. Orientation towards the needs of students, staff, teachers and researchers is a top priority. In addition, participation in events and meetings of the association ensures cooperation with a close network in which experiences are exchanged and new standards are developed. The network now includes numerous universities and scientific institutions from all over Germany as well as from Austria and Switzerland.
Goals and implementation standards are published on the homepage of the "Familie in der Hochschule e.V." .
Landesprogramm Beruf & Pflege NRW

With the state programme on "Compatibility of Work & Care", the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the state associations of the nursing care insurance funds and the Association of Private Health Insurance Companies want to improve the compatibility of work and care for employees with care responsibilities and thus contribute to securing skilled labour.
Paderborn University signed the charter in April 2023, and since then the Family Service Office has taken advantage of the opportunity to develop and exchange ideas via the network.