Ca­reer Spot­light: From PhD to Volk­swa­gen Found­a­tion

Location: N1.339

As part of the event series "Career Spotlight: From PhD to...", the team from the Office of Academic Career Development is offering the opportunity to learn about different career paths after the doctorate and to talk to people who have followed them.

At the "Career Spotlight" on Tuesday, 24 June, Dr. Selahattin Danisman, a consultant at the Volkswagen Foundation, will present his personal career path.

Following the substantive input, there will be an opportunity to ask questions and to network with other doctoral candidates and postdocs.

Further information can be found on the event page.


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Dr. Henriette-Juliane Seeliger

Academic Career Development Office

Academic Advisor for Early Career Researchers

Write email +49 5251 60-2109
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Dr. Alexandra Wiebke

Academic Career Development Office

Head of Academic Career Development

Write email +49 5251 60-3353