Dis­pu­ta­tion coach­ing for doc­tor­al can­did­ates

Location: Room C5.218

Defending and discussing your own doctoral dissertation is the next challenge in the doctoral process after submitting it. Good preparation increases the chances of successfully overcoming this challenge. In order to support doctoral candidates in mastering the final phase of their doctorate, the Graduate Centre of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (GKW) at Paderborn University is offering the workshop "Getting things done! Successfully defending your doctoral dissertation." It will take place from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in room C5.218.

The topics include questions about the formal aspects, ways of planning a successful defence, preparation for the exam situation, and exercises for mental strengthening in exam situations. In the workshop, one can practise the defence and answering questions after the presentation using one's own short presentation.

Interested parties can register by 25 June 2025 by sending an email to gradz@kw.uni-paderborn.de.

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