Ment­or­ing of­fer for fe­male doc­tor­al stu­dents: "Fi­nal Spurt Group" enters a new round - ap­ply now

 |  CareerNews

Together with the Competence Centre for Writing, the mentoring programme of Paderborn University organises the "Final Spurt Group" for female doctoral students who are on the home stretch of writing their dissertation and are looking for time and space to focus on their work. The doctoral students meet in self-directed writing and working groups to motivate each other, exchange ideas about challenges and concentrate on writing. In addition, there are regular focus meetings to set goals and work on the dissertation. The supporting programme also includes various workshops. Registration via the Writing Centre is possible until 30 July.

The social programme includes the following dates:

18 August: "Starting shot for the final spurt" - introduction to the concept, getting to know the group and writing time.

27 October: "Half-time to catch your breath" - reflection in the group, writing time and lecture on the topic of procrastination by Prof. Dr. Katrin B. Klingsieck, Professor of Psychological Diagnostics and Support at Paderborn University.
15 December: "On the home stretch" - writing time, taking stock and celebrating successes

The dates take place digitally from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. each day. Further information on the programme can be found on the website of the "Final Spurt Group".




Three women sit at a workstation with laptops and tablet.
Photo (Besim Mazhiqi): The doctoral students meet in self-directed writing and working groups to motivate each other, exchange ideas about challenges and concentrate on writing.


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Stefanie Leinfellner

Kognitive Psychologie und Psychologiedidaktik

Mentoring Programmes for Female Students

Write email +49 5251 60-2898