Of­fer for fe­male doc­tor­al can­did­ates: In­form­al net­work meet­ings for start­ing a doc­tor­ate

 |  CareerNews

Registration possible until 1 September

How do others get started on their doctorate and how do they deal with initial challenges such as conferences, writing the synopsis or changing roles? In addition to the research question, doctoral candidates often have many questions on their minds in the first year of their doctorate. In the mentoring programme for female doctoral researchers at Paderborn University, young female researchers have the opportunity to participate in informal networking meetings. The aim is to network with each other in the early doctoral phase, discuss current challenges and questions, exchange experiences and develop solutions. The programme starts in October. Interested parties can register with Stefanie Leinfellner at mentoring(at)upb(dot)de by 1 September.  

The network meetings take place in self-organised small groups of four to five people over a period of six months. In a first kick-off event in October, the participants have the opportunity to collect topics and discuss a possible course of action.

Further information is available on the website of the Mentoring Programme for Doctoral Students.

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Stefanie Leinfellner

Kognitive Psychologie und Psychologiedidaktik

Mentoring Programmes for Female Students

Write email +49 5251 60-2898