The em­per­or's new clothes: last ex­hib­i­tion at Klep­pArt

‘Many years ago, there lived an emperor who was so fond of new clothes that he spent all his money on them in order to be properly dressed.’

And many years ago, the looms of the seamstresses in Paderborn's Kleppergasse rattled. The sound not only gave the street its name, but also KleppArt at Paderborn University, which will open its doors for the last time on 12 June at 6 pm for an exhibition curated by Laura Kost, Prof. Alexandra Kürtz and Josefine Reiermann. Anyone interested is cordially invited to the vernissage.

After 14 years and 120 exhibitions and events under the direction of Prof Alexandra Kürtz, KleppArt is now closing for financial reasons. The team would like to thank all participating artists, designers, students, contributors and institutions for their support and for making many projects possible.

In keeping with Hans Christian Andersen's art fairy tale ‘The Emperor's New Clothes’, the exhibition presents works inspired by the weavers and thus offers the opportunity to immerse oneself in a world in which the invisible becomes visible and the intangible becomes tangible. The exhibition will challenge the limits of vision and form a crowning finale to KleppArt. The organisers are looking forward to a final joint exhibition that will provide a few surprises, focus on the space as a place of artistic presentation and thus highlight its importance for Paderborn's social life as a whole.


Wednesday, 12.06.2024 | 6 pm

Exhibition period

13.06.2024 until 07.07.2024

Opening hours

Wednesday 2 to 4 pm | Wednesday 3 to 5 pm

KleppArt, Kleppergasse 10, 33098 Paderborn

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