New Dean's Of­fice elec­ted in the Fac­ulty of Busi­ness Ad­min­is­tra­tion and Eco­nom­ics

 |  NewsFaculty of Business Administration and EconomicsDekanat Wirtschaftswissenschaften

At their constituent meeting on Wednesday, 16 October, the members of the Faculty Council elected the new Dean's Office for the Faculty of Business and Economics at Paderborn University, which will take over management for three years with immediate effect. Prof Dr Jens Müller succeeds Prof Dr Burkhard Hehenkamp as the new Dean. Müller has held the Chair ofBusiness Administration, in particular Corporate Taxation, in the Department of Taxation, Accounting and Finance since 2013.

Prof Dr Claus-Jochen Haake was newly elected to the Dean's Office as Dean of Studies. Haake has held the professorship ‘Economics, in particular Microeconomics’ in the Department of Economics since 2009. Prof Dr Tobias Jenert takes over the position of Vice Dean for Research and Junior Academics. He has held the professorship for ‘Business Education, in particular University Didactics and Development’ since 2018 and the professorship for ‘Business Education’ in the Department of Business Education since 2024. Prof Dr Daniel Beverungen will become part of the Dean's Office as Vice Dean for Processes and Cooperation. Beverungen has held the professorship of ‘Business Informatics, in particular Business Information Systems’ in the Department of Business Informatics since 2016.

Müller also thanked his predecessor in office and the outgoing members of the Dean's Board Prof Dr Oliver Müller (Dean of Studies), Prof Dr Wendelin Schnedler (Vice Dean for Research and Junior Academics) and Prof Dr Michael Ebert (Vice Dean for Communication and Processes) for their commitment to the faculty.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Jonas Fromme): Outgoing dean Prof. Dr Burkhard Hehenkamp (right) wishes his successor, Prof. Dr Jens Müller, and the new deanery team every success for the tasks ahead.
