Di­git­al in­form­a­tion event: Peer ment­or­ing pro­gramme for fe­male stu­dents in­ter­ested in do­ing a doc­tor­ate

"Is doing a doctorate the right thing for me?" This is the question addressed by the "Einblick!" peer mentoring programme at Paderborn University. The 30th class of the programme starts in March. Until 15 January, interested female students can register for the next digital information event on 20 January from 1 to 2 p.m. using the registration form. In addition to a wealth of programme information, a former mentee will talk about her participation and personal experiences.

Since 2009, prospective female graduates have had the opportunity to discuss the prospect of a doctorate with other female students at an early stage as part of the programme. This exchange is accompanied by a doctoral candidate who provides tips and strategies for decision-making and for the path into academia. The first possible steps towards a doctorate are also discussed together. In addition to the small group meetings, "Einblick!" offers a supporting programme that includes events and workshops, for example. The programme covers topics such as the first application in science, the search for a topic or funding opportunities during the doctorate.

The aim of the programme is to provide advice and support in making a conscious decision for or against a doctorate. The university-wide programme is open to female students from all faculties who are interested in doing a doctorate and are in the final phase of their studies, i.e. in their third to fourth Master's semester.

Applications for the peer mentoring programme can be submitted to Stefanie Leinfellner until 15 February. The application form and further information are available on the Peer Mentoring Programme website.

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Three young women are standing at a high table, with a book on the table in front of them and an open laptop.
Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): As part of the peer mentoring programme prospective female graduates exchange ideas with other female students about the prospect of a doctorate.


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Stefanie Leinfellner

Kognitive Psychologie und Psychologiedidaktik

Mentoring-Programme für Studentinnen

Write email +49 5251 60-2898