In­tro­duct­ory work­shops for fur­ther train­ing in high­er edu­ca­tion di­dactics: Free places for the sum­mer semester 2025

 |  EducationTeachingEventsNewsHigher Education Development Office

A new further education programme on the topic of "Professional teaching skills for the university" begins in March. The programme of the Office of Educational Innovation and University Didactics is aimed at all interested teaching staff at Paderborn University and offers a well-founded basic didactic qualification as in-service training. It consists of workshops, practical support through counselling and work shadowing, teaching presentations, own innovative teaching/learning projects as well as written documentation and reflection. A partial focus is on the design of digital teaching and offers support in the implementation of current teaching projects. The programme enables the completion of up to three nationally recognised certificates.

The multi-part introductory workshops "Teaching and Learning" form the prelude to this thematic continuing education programme and already deal with many basics, e.g. your own role, the content planning and design of a course and knowledge about learning processes. In the subsequent practical phase, participants are supported in their individual development and deepen their experiences on the final workshop day. The further training can be completed with the nationally recognised "NRW Certificate". Since the winter semester 2024/25, it has also been possible to acquire a specialisation in writing didactics if interested.

The upcoming starting workshops differ only in the language of instruction and will take place on the following dates

360直播吧 "Teaching and Learning" 13/14 March and 7 July

360直播吧 "Design for How People Learn: Academic Teaching in Higher Education" 18/19 March and 11 July

There are currently still places available for both workshops. Judith Osthushenrich from the Educational Innovation and University Didactics team will be happy to accept registrations for a non-binding initial consultation and answer any further questions by e-mail judith.osthushenrich[at]upb[dot]de or by telephone on 05251 60-4313.

Further information is available here.

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Judith Osthushenrich

Higher Education Development Office

Educational Development, Teaching Award, Consultation Service

Write email +49 5251 60-4264