In­nov­at­ive think­ing, turn­ing ideas in­to real­ity - ap­ply for fund­ing for stu­dent pro­jects un­til 31 May

 |  Student lifeNewsFinanzmanagement, Kapazit?tsangelegenheiten, Berichtswesen (SG 1.3)

This year, students at Paderborn University once again have the opportunity to have their projects and ideas funded and realised with the help of quality improvement funds (QVM). A total of 250,000 euros is available for this purpose and will be awarded to cross-faculty projects and project groups that aim to improve the quality of study at Paderborn University through their interdisciplinary approach and pilot character.

There are no limits to the content of the project groups and their ideas. In the past, for example, the campus radio station "L'UniCo" or the university American football team "Paderborn UNIcorns" have already received financial support and assistance in acquiring new technical equipment.

Interested project groups can submit their applications to the responsible committee via the faculties by 31 May. Applications should be sent to Britta G?tte from Department 1.3 (

When submitting an application, various content-related aspects must be taken into account and explained accordingly:

  • Objective and scope of the project (faculty, number of members)
  • Exact time period and room concept
  • Interdisciplinary added value and pilot character
  • Justification for the need for financial support and explanation of possible additional funding options
  • Detailed cost breakdown including any offers obtained (gross amounts in euros)
  • Plans for public application of the project
  • Involvement of academic staff and overview of the amount of teaching content

Further information and details on the application process can be found on the homepage of Department 1.3.

The Central Quality Improvement Commission will discuss the allocation of the funds provided after the deadline and forward them to the Executive Board for a final decision.

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