Sup­port dur­ing your stud­ies: New ap­plic­a­tion phase for Ger­many Schol­ar­ships from the OWL Study Fund

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Students already enrolled at Paderborn University and future students can now apply for a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship from the OWL Study Fund Foundation. The scholarships amount to 3,600 euros per year and are awarded irrespective of income. Applications can be submitted until 5 May.

Students who are enrolled at Bielefeld University, Paderborn University, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences or Detmold University of Music in the coming winter semester 2025/26 or who are interested in studying there can now apply for the scholarship. Payment of the 3,600 euros is completely independent of income (including possible BAf?G funding) and the money can be used freely.

Germany Scholarship

Each Deutschlandstipendium scholarship is financed in equal parts by 1,800 euros from federal funds and donations from sponsors of the OWL Study Fund. These sponsors include companies, foundations, associations and private individuals from the OWL region. In addition to financial support, the OWL Study Fund offers an extensive non-material funding programme in cooperation with its sponsors.

Application process

School and academic achievements, voluntary work and particularly challenging personal circumstances are taken into account when selecting scholarship holders. Community and social commitment or special personal circumstances are also taken into account, e.g. caring for children or relatives in need of care. Overcoming biographical hurdles can also be included in the assessment.

The online application forms and more detailed information on the process can be found on the website of the OWL Study Fund. If you have any further questions, please contact the Study Fund office in the person of Fabian Klipsch (+49 5251 605234) and Sandra Erdmann (+49 5251 603490) or send an email to

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