More news from Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

August is the traditional start of the training year. Eleven young people have now started at Paderborn University in a total of seven professions.

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How ro­bots learn to un­der­stand our world

A consortium of scientists from the universities of Bielefeld, Paderborn and Bremen wants to radically rethink the interaction between humans and machines and teach robots knowledge and manual skills in a natural way.

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With the campaign "Sportpartner*in gesucht" the "Betriebliche AnsprechPersonen - Pr?vention" would like to bring together employees of Paderborn University with similar sporting interests. Participation is voluntary and takes place outside of regular working hours.

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How can com­pan­ies gen­er­ate value with AI?

Study uncovers mechanisms that enable machine learning to deliver different value propositions

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State of NRW pro­motes di­git­al teach­ing: Pader­born Uni­ver­sity suc­cess­ful with sev­er­al pro­jects

Digital learning formats, such as online courses, instructional videos, and virtual labs, have the potential to significantly enhance the quality of university education for students.

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New web­site of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Since July 18, Paderborn University presents itself in a new look.

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Photo (Department of Technology Didactics): A self-kneaded mold is tested by a slow motion video in a miniature wind tunnel.

New work­shops on sus­tain­ab­il­ity in en­gin­eer­ing for the stu­dent lab and all of OWL

Satisfied faces among the master's students of engineering didactics after successfully testing their workshops on the topic of sustainability.

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The aim of the program ist to enable talented young female scientists to pursue a successfull career in research and teaching after completing their doctorate.

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In September and October, two mentoring programs for female students interested in doctoral studies will start a new round at Paderborn University.

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Photo (Paderborn University): Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kabst is one of the "Big Five".

Prof. Dr. Rüdi­ger Kabst is one of the ?Big Five“

For the eighth time in a row, Personalmagazin has honoured Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kabst as one of the "40 leading HR minds" in Germany.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): Professor René Fahr and Professor Miriam Kehne of Paderborn University.

Pader­born Uni­ver­sity re­search­er ad­vising fed­er­al gov­ern­ment

Ambitious future-oriented project 'Exercise and Sport for All’

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Padel rackets and balls leaning against the net on the padel facility on the sports campus of the Paderborn University.

A new facility for the backstroke game has been built on the sports campus in recent months. University members and alumni can now book the courts.

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Photo (acatech): The SMART project team celebrated the project's conclusion at the "Smart Service Summit" in Munich.

Trans­form­a­tion to in­tel­li­gent ser­vice pro­vider

Partners from science and industry develop new maturity model

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