- E-Mail:
- regina.ortmann@upb.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-1780
- Office Address:
360直播吧 Str. 100
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- Q5.313
- Office hours:
on appointment
Latest Publications
Distortional effects of separate accounting and formula apportionment on factor allocation
R. Ortmann, E. Pummerer, Journal of Business Economics (2023).
Income Shifting and Management Incentives
R. Ortmann, D. Schindler, Income Shifting and Management Incentives, 2022.
COVID-19 reporting and willingness to pay for leisure activities
S. Warkulat, S. Krull, R. Ortmann, N. Klocke, M. Pelster, Covid Economics (2021) 183–205.
COVID-19 Reporting and Willingness to Pay for Leisure Activities
R. Ortmann, S. Warkulat, S. Krull, N. Klocke, M. Pelster, COVID-19 Reporting and Willingness to Pay for Leisure Activities, 2021.
Real effects of an international tax reform for MNEs
R. Ortmann, D. Simons, D. Voeller, Real Effects of an International Tax Reform for MNEs, 2021.
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