Prof. Dr. Jens F?rstner
- E-Mail:
- jens.foerstner@uni-paderborn.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-3013
- 0000-0001-7059-9862
- Web:
- Homepage
- Office Address:
Pohlweg 47-49
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- P1.5.01.1
- Office hours:
on request
- E-Mail:
- eim-e-leitung@upb.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-2208
- Office Address:
Pohlweg 47-49
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- P1.3.14
About Jens F?rstner
Curriculum Vitae
Since 06/2013: Full Professor (W3) for "Theoretical Electrical Engineering", Paderborn University, Germany
04/2007 - 05/2013: Head of the DFG Emmy Noether junior research group on "Computational Nanophotonics", Paderborn University, Germany
01/2012 - 03/2012: Visiting Scientist, group of H. Carmichael, University of Auckland
10/2006 - 03/2007: Post-doctoral research assistant, Technical University Berlin, Germany
10/2004 - 09/2006: Post-doctoral research associate, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
09/2004: PhD thesis "Light Propagation and Many-Particle Effects in Semiconductor Nanostructures", Technical University Berlin, Germany
10/2000 - 09/2004: Research assistant (PhD), Technical University Berlin, Germany
04/2000 - 09/2000: Research assistant (PhD), University Marburg, Germany
01/2000: Diplom (MSc) in Physics, University of Marburg, Germany
1997 - 1998: study abroad at the University of Kent at Canterbury/UK, recipient of the 1998 Europhysics Prize
1994 - 1996: First diploma (BSc) in Physics and Computer Science, Philips University Marburg
2011: Goldene Kreide for excellence in teaching
10/2009: Research Award 2009 of the Paderborn University for a project on "Custom Computing Architectures for Nanophotonics" with Prof. Christian Plessl
11/2005: Carl-Ramsauer-Preis 2005 for PhD thesis
Selected Projects
- TRR 142 - Ultrafast coherent opto-electronic control of a photonic quantum system (B06*)
- Photonic Quantum Systems Network (PhoQSNET) - Quantum communication infrastructure
- FOR 5208: Modelling and simulation of the coupled acoustic, electrical, and thermal dynamics of piezoceramics
- PhoQC: Photonic Quantum Computing
- TRR 142 - Ultrafast electric control of optical polarizations and transitions (C04)
Selected Publications
A multi-mode super-fano mechanism for enhanced third harmonic generation in silicon metasurfaces
D. H?hnel, C. Golla, M. Albert, T. Zentgraf, V. Myroshnychenko, J. F?rstner, C. Meier, Light: Science & Applications 12 (2023) 97.
Integrated superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors on titanium in-diffused lithium niobate waveguides
J.P. H?pker, V.B. Verma, M. Protte, R. Ricken, V. Quiring, C. Eigner, L. Ebers, M. Hammer, J. F?rstner, C. Silberhorn, R.P. Mirin, S. Woo Nam, T. Bartley, Journal of Physics: Photonics 3 (2021) 034022.
Polarization Conversion Effect in Biological and Synthetic Photonic Diamond Structures
X. Wu, F.L. Rodríguez-Gallegos, M.-C. Heep, B. Schwind, G. Li, H.-O. Fabritius, G. von Freymann, J. F?rstner, Advanced Optical Materials 6 (2018) 1800635.
Unveiling and Imaging Degenerate States in Plasmonic Nanoparticles with Nanometer Resolution
V. Myroshnychenko, N. Nishio, F.J. García de Abajo, J. F?rstner, N. Yamamoto, ACS Nano 12 (2018) 8436–8446.
Directional Emission from Dielectric Leaky-Wave Nanoantennas
M. Peter, A. Hildebrandt, C. Schlickriede, K. Gharib, T. Zentgraf, J. F?rstner, S. Linden, Nano Letters 17 (2017) 4178–4183.
Show all publications
Current Courses
- Wissenschaftliches Programmieren (Projekt)
- Topics in Systems Engineering - TET
- Theoretische Elektrotechnik
- Scientific Computing (Project)
- Modeling and Simulation
- Forschungsseminar Theoretische Elektrotechnik
- Elektromagnetische Wellen und Wellenleiter - Praktische ?bung
- Elektromagnetische Wellen und Wellenleiter
- Elektromagnetische Feldsimulation (Projekt)
- Electromagnetic Field Simulation (Project)
- Computergestützte Simulation mit CST Studio Suite? (Projekt)
- Computer Simulations using CST Studio Suite? (Project)
Scientific Engagement
2008 - 2013 | Organising and technical committee member of the "International 360直播吧 on Theoretical and Computational Nano-Photonics (TaCoNa-Photonics)", Bad Honnef, Germany