Prof. Dr. Sina Ober-Bl?baum
- E-Mail:
- sinaober@math.uni-paderborn.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-2193
- Office Address:
Technologiepark 21
33100 Paderborn - Room:
- TP21.1.12
About Sina Ober-Bl?baum
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2020: Professor (W3)
Paderborn University
12/2021 - 12/2022: Parental leave
2015 - 2020: Associate Professor
University of Oxford, UK
10/2018 - 06/2019: Parental leave
01/2017 - 08/2017: Parental leave
2014 - 2015: Guest Professor
Freie Universit?t Berlin, Germany
2009 - 2015: Junior Professor
Paderborn University
2013 - 2014: Guest Professor
Technische Universit?t Dresden, Germany
2011 - 2012: Substitute Professor
Technische Universit?t München, Germany
2008 - 2009: Postdoc
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA
13.03.2008: Doctorate
Applied Mathematics, Paderborn University, Germany. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Michael Dellnitz
1999 - 2004: Degree programme
Diploma in Technomathematics, Paderborn University
Since 2016: Selected Invited Talks
2021: Conference on the Numerical Solution of Differential and Differential-Algebraic Equations (NUMDIFF-16, Halle, Germany, 2021), Plenary Talk
2016: 4th European Conference on Computational Optimization (EUCCCO, Leuven, Belgium, 2016), Plenary Talk
2018: Oberwolfach Research in Pairs, Approval of a two-week research stay at the Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach, Germany
2011 - 2014: Member of "Junges Kolleg" of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts, Germany
2013: "Eleonore-Trefftz guest professorship" grant at the Technical University Dresden, Germany
2011: Best paper award, 8th Paderborn 360直播吧 on Design of mechatronic systems, Paderborn, Germany
2011: Best poster award, International Conference on Simulation Technology, Stuttgart, Germany
2009: Award for the best PhD thesis in 2008 of Paderborn University
2008: Best poster award, Oberwolfach seminar Applied Dynamics and Geometric Mechanics, Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics, Germany
Research Interests
- structure-preserving integration
- Lagrange and Hamilton systems and variational integrators
- fractional and dissipative Lagrange systems
- multirate dynamics and multirate integration
- numerical methods in optimal control
- symmetries and turnpike properties in optimal control
- learning of Hamilton and Lagrange systems
- applications in astrodynamics, drive technology and quantum dynamics
Selected Projects
- Symplectic discretizations for optimal control problems in mechanics
- PhoQC: Photonic Quantum Computing
- Fractional Variational Integration and Optimal Control
- Intelligent technical systems OWL, cross-sectional project self-optimisation
- SFB 614 - Development and Application of Methods for Multiobjective Optimization and Optimal Control and for the Computation of Dynamical Behavior of Hybrid Systems (Subproject A01)
Selected Publications
Manifold turnpikes, trims, and symmetries
T. Faulwasser, K. Fla?kamp, S. Ober-Bl?baum, M. Schaller, K. Worthmann, Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 34 (2022) 759–788.
Symplectic integration of learned Hamiltonian systems
C. Offen, S. Ober-Bl?baum, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 32(1) (2022).
Fractional Damping Through Restricted Calculus of Variations
F. Jiménez, S. Ober-Bl?baum, in: Nichtlineare Sci 31, 2021.
Variational integrators for dissipative systems
D.J.N. Limebeer, S. Ober-Bl?baum, F.H. Farshi, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65(4) (2020) 1381–1396.
Galerkin variational integrators and modified symplectic Runge-Kutta methods
S. Ober-Bl?baum, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 37(1) (2017) 375–406.
Show all publications
Current Courses
- Seminar "Time Scales Calculus"
- Seminar
- Seminar
- Oberseminar AG Ober-Bl?baum
- Numerik 1
Scientific Engagement
Since 2011 | Member of Scientific Committees of four international conferences
Since 2010 | (Co-)Organization of several minisymposia at international conferences (e.g., ECC, MTNS) and different lecture series at international Summer/Winter Schools (e.g. Madrid)
2013 | Organiser, Dresdner Mathematical Series Women in Science, TU Dresden, Germany
2012 | Organisation of research day of "Junges Kolleg" of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts, Germany
Since 2021 | Steering group member of "Frauen gestalten die Informationsgesellschaft" and perspEktIveM (mentoring program for female students), Paderborn University
2017 - 2020 | Member, Advisory Committee of the German Research Foundation Research Training Group Pi3: Parameter Identification "Analysis, Algorithms, Implementations" of the University of Bremen, Germany
2011 - 2015 | Steering group member of "Frauen gestalten die Informationsgesellschaft" and perspEktIveM (mentoring program for female students), Paderborn University
Since 2017 | Editorial Board of AIMS Journal of Computational Dynamics and GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics
2017 | Committee Member "Future of GAMM", GAMM (Society for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics)
Further Information
Short Bio
I received my Dipl. Math. in 2004 and my Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics in 2008 both from the Paderborn University in Germany. I was a Postdoctoral Scholar at the California Institute of Technology, CA, USA, from 2008 to 2009. From 2009 to 2015 I was a Junior Professor at the Department of Mathematics at the Paderborn University. From 2015 to 2020 I was Associate Professor of control engineering at the Department of Engineering Science and a Tutorial Fellow in Engineering at Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K. Currently, I am full Professor for applied mathematics at the Paderborn University leading the research group "Numerical Mathematics and Control". Our group's research focus lies in the development and analysis of structure-preserving simulation and optimal control methods for mechanical, electrical and hybrid systems, with a wide range of application areas including astrodynamics, drive technology and robotics.I received my Dipl. Math. in 2004 and my Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics in 2008 both from the Paderborn University in Germany. I was a Postdoctoral Scholar at the California Institute of Technology, CA, USA, from 2008 to 2009. From 2009 to 2015 I was a Junior Professor at the Department of Mathematics at the Paderborn University. From 2015 to 2020 I was Associate Professor of control engineering at the Department of Engineering Science and a Tutorial Fellow in Engineering at Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K. Currently, I am full Professor for applied mathematics at the Paderborn University leading the research group "Numerical Mathematics and Control". Our group's research focus lies in the development and analysis of structure-preserving simulation and optimal control methods for mechanical, electrical and hybrid systems, with a wide range of application areas including astrodynamics, drive technology and robotics.