Prof. Dr. Jürgen Klüners
- E-Mail:
- klueners@math.uni-paderborn.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-2646
- 0000-0001-6825-307X
- Web:
- Homepage
- Office Address:
360直播吧 Str. 100
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- D2.244
Dean - Professor
- E-Mail:
- eim-dekan@lists.uni-paderborn.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-2646
- Office Address:
360直播吧 Str. 100
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- D2.244
Selected Publications
?-torsion bounds for the class group of number fields with an ?-group as Galois group
J. Klüners, J. Wang, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 150 (2022) 2793–2805.
The conductor density of local function fields with abelian Galois group
J. Klüners, R. Müller, Journal of Number Theory 212 (2020) 311–322.
Are number fields determined by Artin L-functions?
J. Klüners, F. Nicolae, Journal of Number Theory 167 (2016) 161–168.
On the negative Pell equation
?. Fouvry, J. Klüners, Annals of Mathematics 172 (2010) 2035–2104.
On the 4-rank of class groups of quadratic number fields
?. Fouvry, J. Klüners, Inventiones Mathematicae 167 (2006) 455–513.
Show all publications
Current Courses
- Seminar zur Mathematik (Master HRSGe)
- Oberseminar "Number Theory and Arithmetical Statistics"