Contact and Affiliations
- E-Mail:
- stefan.schumacher@uni-paderborn.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-2334
- 0000-0003-4042-4951
- Web:
- Homepage
- Office Address:
360直播吧 Str. 100
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- A4.234
- 0000-0003-4042-4951
- E-Mail:
- stefan.schumacher@uni-paderborn.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-2334
- 0000-0003-4042-4951
- Web:
- Homepage
- Office Address:
360直播吧 Str. 100
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- A4.234
About Stefan Schumacher
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2021: Professor (W3)
Physics Department - Paderborn University
Since 2010: Adjunct Professor
Wyant College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, USA
08/2019 - 04/2020: Sabbatical
Wyant College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, USA
07/2015 - 2020: Professor (Heisenberg Professorship, W2)
Physics Department, Paderborn University
07/2010 - 06/2015: Junior Professor (W1)
Physics Department, Paderborn University
08/2014 - 04/2015: Sabbatical
Wyant College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, USA
04/2013: Habilitation equivalent
Positive evaluation of junior professorship, Paderborn University
02/2008 - 06/2010: PostDoc
Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
02/2006 - 02/2008: PostDoc
Wyant College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
03/2005 - 02/2006: PostDoc
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Universit?t Bremen
24.02.2005: Doctorate
Dr. rer. nat. in Physics, Universit?t Bremen, Germany. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Gerd Czycholl & Prof. Dr. Frank Jahnke
02/2002 - 02/2005: PhD student
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Universit?t Bremen
1996 - 2001: Degree programme
Diploma in Physics, Universit?t Bremen, Germany
08/2020: Offer of chair in Theoretical Physics
Johannes Kepler Universit?t Linz
01.06.2015 - 30.06.2020: Heisenberg professorship (DFG)
Deparment of Physics, Paderborn University
2013 - 2015: Fellow of the young college of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
2014: Golden Chalk award for excellence in teaching by board of physics students, Paderborn University, Germany
2006 - 2008: Postdoctoral Fellowship of the DFG, Germany
Research Interests
Ultrafast nonlinear photonics and quantum theory of nanostructures
Microscopic theory of functional photonic structures and materials
Solid state quantum light sources
Selected Projects
- Physics of periodic and quasi-periodic polariton systems
- TRR 142 - On-demand ideal photon pair generation for entanglement swapping at telecom frequencies (C09*)
- PT symmetry and non-Hermitian physics in polariton condensates in semiconductor microcavities
- Theory of functional photonic structures
- TRR 142 - Nonlinear quantum process tomography and photonics of microcavity polaritons (A04)
Selected Publications
Tracking Quantum Coherence in Polariton Condensates with Time-Resolved Tomography
C. Lüders, M. Pukrop, F. Barkhausen, E. Rozas, C. Schneider, S. H?fling, J. Sperling, S. Schumacher, M. A?mann, Physical Review Letters 130 (2023).
Nonlinear down-conversion in a single quantum dot
B. Jonas, D.F. Heinze, E. Sch?ll, P. Kallert, T. Langer, S. Krehs, A. Widhalm, K. J?ns, D. Reuter, S. Schumacher, A. Zrenner, Nature Communications 13 (2022).
Manipulating polariton condensates by Rashba-Dresselhaus coupling at room temperature
Y. Li, X. Ma, X. Zhai, M. Gao, H. Dai, S. Schumacher, T. Gao, Nature Communications 13 (2022).
Quantifying Quantum Coherence in Polariton Condensates
C. Lüders, M. Pukrop, E. Rozas, C. Schneider, S. H?fling, J. Sperling, S. Schumacher, M. A?mann, PRX Quantum (2021).
Split-ring polariton condensates as macroscopic two-level quantum systems
Y. Xue, I. Chestnov, E. Sedov, E. Kiktenko, A.K. Fedorov, S. Schumacher, X. Ma, A. Kavokin, Physical Review Research 3 (2021).
Show all publications
Further Information
Engagement in University committees
- Stellvertretender Sprecher des Department Physik
- Vorstandsmitglied des Sonderforschungsbereichs TRR142 "Tailored Nonlinear Photonics"
- Mitglied des Fakult?tsrates, Fakult?t für Naturwissenschaften, Universit?t Paderborn
- Leiter des Prüfungsausschusses des Masterstudiengangs Optoelectronics and Photonics, Universit?t Paderborn