Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Bremser

Key research area Sustainable Materials, Processes and Products
Member - Professor
Office Address:
Mersinweg 7
33100 Paderborn
Member - Professor
Office Address:
Mersinweg 7
33100 Paderborn


Latest Publications

Zinc Anodizing: Structural Diversity of Anodic Zinc Oxide Controlled by the Type of Electrolyte

K. Engelkemeier, A. Sun, D. Voswinkel, O. Grydin, M. Schaper, W. Bremser, ChemElectroChem (2021) 2155–2168.

Thermostable water reservoirs in the interlayer space of a sodium hectorite clay through the intercalation of γ-aminopropyl(dimethyl)ethoxysilane in toluene

W. Keil, K. Zhao, A. Oswald, W. Bremser, C. Schmidt, H. Hintze-Bruening, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (2021) 477–487.

Self-lubricating coatings via PDMS micro-gel dispersions

J. Ressel, O. Seewald, W. Bremser, H.-P. Reicher, O.I. Strube, Progress in Organic Coatings (2020).

Scalable and energy-efficient synthesis of CoxP for overall water splitting in alkaline media by high energy ball milling

H. Xue, H. Zhang, S. Fricke, M. Lüther, Z. Yang, A. Meng, W. Bremser, Z. Li, Sustainable Energy & Fuels (2019) 1723–1729.

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Current Courses

  • Lacksysteme 2 - Praktikum
  • Lacksysteme 2
  • Kolloide und Grenzfl?chen
  • Applikationstechnologie Praktikum
  • Applikationstechnologie