Dr. Sara Strau?
Studies Councillor in University Service
Student advisor English for primary education and special needs education
- E-Mail:
- sara.strauss@uni-paderborn.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-3908
- Web:
- Homepage
- Office Address:
360直播吧 Str. 100
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- C4.338
- Office hours:
Thursdays 11:00-12:00 in C4.338
A registration by email is not necessary.
Supervision of Bachelor's theses:
For winter term 2024-25 and summer term 2025 I can no longer accept new supervisions of Bachelor's theses. For inquiries for Bachelor's theses in winter term 2025-26 please contact me from April 2025.
Latest Publications
Narrative Experiments with Medical Categorization and Normalization in B. S. Johnson's House Mother Normal
S. Strau?, in: J. Mildorf, E. Punzi, C. Singer (Eds.), Narrative and Mental Health, Oxford University Press, New York, 2023, pp. 190–206.
"Elizabeth Grubgeld, Disability and Life Writing in Post-Independence Ireland", Book Review
S. Strau?, European Journal of Life Writing 11 (2022) 29–34.
Transient Bodies, Bodies in Transition: An Introduction
S. Strau?, S. Sch?fer-Althaus, in: S. Strau?, S. Sch?fer-Althaus (Eds.), Transient Bodies in Anglophone Literature and Culture, Winter, Heidelberg, 2020, pp. 7–22.
Ageing (Female) Bodies and Mortality in Eighteenth-Century Poetry
S. Strau?, in: S. Strau?, S. Sch?fer-Althaus (Eds.), Transient Bodies in Anglophone Literature and Culture, Winter, Heidelberg, 2020, pp. 205–226.
Visualising Memory Loss and the Politics of Representation in Contemporary Portraiture
S. Strau?, Journal for the Study of British Cultures 27 (2020) 63–76.
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Current Courses
- William Shakespeare
- Postcolonial Perspectives on Children's Literature
- ONLINE-Termine: Prüfungsplatzvergabe für die Modulprüfung Fachwiss. Horizonte Literary- / Cultural Studies
- MAP-M5 Fachwissenschaftliche Horizonte - Literary and Cultural Studies
- MAP-M2 Fachwissenschaften MA
- MAP M4 - -Fachwissenschaften MA-G (Vertiefung)
- British and Irish Poetry