- E-Mail:
- yanflei@math.uni-paderborn.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-2611
- Office Address:
360直播吧 Str. 100
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- J2.143
Latest Publications
Young students’ engagement with data to create decision trees
S. Podworny, R. Biehler, Y. Fleischer, ZDM – Mathematics Education (2025).
Teaching and Learning to Construct Data-Based Decision Trees Using Data Cards as the First Introduction to Machine Learning in Middle School
F.Y. Fleischer, S. Podworny, R. Biehler, Statistics Education Research Journal 23 (2024).
Intuitiver Zugang zu datenbasierten Entscheidungsb?umen
Y. Fleischer, R. Biehler, in: P. Ebers, F. R?sken, B. Barzel, A. Büchter, F. Schacht, P. Scherer (Eds.), Beitr?ge zum Mathematikunterricht 2024 - 57. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik., WTM-Verlag, Münster, 2024, pp. 167–170.
Jupyter Notebooks for Teaching, Learning, and Doing Data Science
F.Y. Fleischer, S. Hüsing, R. Biehler, S. Podworny, C. Schulte, in: S.A. Peters, L. Zapata-Cardona, F. Bonafini, A. Fan (Eds.), Bridging the Gap: Empowering and Educating Today’s Learners in Statistics. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Teaching Statistics, International Association for Statistical Education, 2022.
Teaching and Learning Data-Driven Machine Learning with Educationally Designed Jupyter Notebooks
F.Y. Fleischer, R. Biehler, C. Schulte, Statistics Education Research Journal 21 (2022).
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